This is my trilogy
An endlessly beating chain of mental pathologies.
With thoughts about God, about love, about reason and about freedom.
In a vicious city, where someone is an eater, and someone is a sausage on a sandwich.
In the garbage chute, someone is also looking for reasons without harsh arguments.
In a war for territories with resources and an oil pipeline,
And the younger heads blow with hunger.
Everything is as before on a steep slope,
Clowns dance on the graves of their ancestors in a pattern.
And everyone needs heroes to be proud,
And then throw stones at their bloodstained faces.
And do not hide from the hail of disappointments.
Pink glasses can no longer be returned to this frame.
Everyone is right and everyone has their own rules:
Someone needs heaven, someone needs something to fix it.
Bulk of horrors and Valeva. |
Already as a background on high-speed channels
Your baby is shaking under the covers.
Melted water will wash away the lies of the dictators
Rewriting my own - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
This is my trilogy
My path, where it is difficult to see the rays at the end of the road
Own God, motivation, methods, goals
Awareness of oneself as a part of a single whole.
Yesterday, in the tones of maximalism, went to the bottom,
I tore my throat, burned out the cells of my projection,
Rhesus pink fished out of black and white.
Unidentified, sharply as if someone else's voice.
In the cracks of the skull gave an inevitable failure.
The bulk of trash (thresh) has been neutralized, changing the mood.
It is possible for everyone to reflash themselves,
It is possible to quench your thirst with reality by drinking it once.
To build a paper house today at the foot of the volcano -
Just as stupid as raising children in front of a screen.
The war is on and there is no time to wait for the map to fall
I rewrite mine again - Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
These are my three postulates,
What give peace and faith in tomorrow,
Fire is struck in the soul like flint.
Everything that does not smolder a single gram in the era of heat and cold.
More expensive than gold - which leads like a beacon through a dark city,
Where the roads of the soul are broken by emptiness
And new, even ones are no longer so easy to build.
Day by day, prioritizing the shelves
And again, break all the components into fragments.
It's not so easy to accept lies in the name of truth
When you live only today and not tomorrow.
Obsessed with the thought of keeping what I have
So that the goal never remains an idea.
In the head of an outcast who has lost his meaning,
Wandering by touch among the hot landmarks of life.
The word "pain" does not scare a traveler on the road
So far, inside friendship creativity love trilogy.
Faith Hope Love.
Like an equalizer shakes the soul.
Silences disbelief, fear and indifference.
And someone's infinite mind is narrowed by the material,
Someone's trilogy is just breakfast, lunch, dinner.
They need your sleep - a blinded range by thought.
But there is a reason - in the resonance of our views in unison.
Someone wakes up someone is awakened.
Mind hears, ears listen. |
3 minute stereo stream
My trilogy. |
Acts panorama.
With extremes in amplitude. |
In essence,
At the heart of all relationships is love and phobia,
And in the cruelty of animals, people are superior.
Was, is, will be.
Regulated by the real descending echo of life that we sit at the desk,
The screening is closed without projections and cinemas.
3D Time Movie: Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow. |