Lyrics of Kosa - Nina Badrić

Kosa - Nina Badrić
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Kosa, artist - Nina Badrić. Album song Ljubav, in the genre Поп
Date of issue: 04.05.2003
Record label: Aquarius
Song language: Croatian


Nakon svega, dodje mi
da te branim
kako nisko, ispod casti
stvarno covjek moze pasti
Slazem da se volimo
pa se sramim
jer ti se jedva sjetis nas
ja mirim se sa tim,
da citav zivot ne zaboravim
Na tvoju kosu
kad u jesen lisce
necujno padne
zimi dok hladnoca stisce
tvoje ruke hladne
ljeti dok te sunce grije
ja mislim na tebe
i uzalud se borim
sama protiv sebe
Teska srca priznajem
da jos te volim
i kad tudje ruke diram
i tad mozes biti miran
Al' vise nemam razloga
da se borim,
jer ti se jedva sjetis nas
a ja mirim se sa tim
da citav zivot ne zaboravim
After all, it came to me
to defend you
how low, below honor
really a man can fall
I agree that we love each other
so I'm ashamed
because you barely remember us
I put up with it,
to not forget my whole life
On your hair
when in autumn the leaves
it falls silently
in winter while the cold squeezes
your hands cold
in summer while the sun warms you
I think about you
and I fight in vain
against herself
I confess with a heavy heart
that I still love you
and when I touch other people's hands
and then you can be calm
But I have no reason anymore
to fight
because you barely remember us
and I put up with it
to not forget my whole life
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Other songs of the artist:

Nebo (ESC 2012) 2013
Dodiri od stakla 2013
Ne Mogu Ti Reći Što Je Tuga ft. Hari Mata Hari 2013
Za Dobre I Loše Dane 2003
Moje oci pune ljubavi 2013
Ti Si Mene ft. Nina Badrić 2015
Moja Ljubav 2005
Ostavljam Ti Sve 2002
Nek Ti Bude Kao Meni 2002
Trebam Te 2002
Nebo 2011
I'M So Excited 2002
Što Učinio Si Ti 2002
Budi Tu 2002
Daleko Od Tebe 2000
Carobno jutro 2013
Ako Pogledaš U Mene 2000
Mama 2011
Ako Kažeš Da Me Ne Voliš 1999
Ljudi od ljubavi 2013

Artist lyrics: Nina Badrić