Lyrics of Poveste de seară - Nané

Poveste de seară - Nané
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Poveste de seară, artist - Nané.
Date of issue: 25.01.2008
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Romanian

Poveste de seară

Nane… Un nou mixtape… o noua poveste…
O poveste reala… nu o ard in vrajeala
E real tot ce zic, ia asculta un pic…
Totu' s-a sfarsit exact acolo unde a inceput
Orasul Orsova, strada gherna, zona sud…
Povestea unui pusti al carui nume nu l-am retinut
Nu de alta dar e mai mic decat mine cu mult…
Era un pusti cuminte chiar nu aducea belele
Nu se lua dupa ceilalti pusti sa fure pentru lovele
El n-avea impresii, nu se lauda ca are spate
Nu se dadea smecher cu haine de firma combinate
Era chiar la locul lui, il vedeam des la teren
Dar ideea e ca de acum sigur n-o sa-l mai vedem
Gata cu joaca, zambetul i s-a stins, motivul?
Maica-sa s-a sinucis…
Pustiul mintit de toata lumea ca mama e plecata
Dar el e costient ca n-o s-o mai vada niciodata
Nu crede in povesti, pustiul stie ce s-a intamplat
Mami a luat bataie de la tati si s-a spanzurat…
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama…
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara…
Pustiul nu mai e la fel, parca nu-si mai revine
E din ce in ce mai rau si n-arata deloc bine
Nu mai e ca inainte, acum i se vede rana…
Daca il injuri in gluma o sa se gandeasca la mama
Si e naspa rau ca a pierdut-o foarte devreme
Tasu' alearga dupa bani si sta singur de multa vreme
Ar vrea sa intre inapoi in rand cu pustii din cartier
Dar nu se poate, pur si simplu nu mai e la fel…
Nu mai iese la fotbal, nu mai sta la suc la terasa
Isi petrece tot mai mult timp stand singur in casa
Amintirile nu-l lasa sa treaca peste
Nu se poate obisnuii cu gandul ca asta este…
Duce o lupta grea in capul lui se petrec o gramada
Ii lipseste afectiunea, pe prieteni nu vrea sa-i vada
Vede ca ii lipsesc tot mai multe, simte ca inebuneste
Nici toale nu mai are si crede-ma ca-si doreste…
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama…
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara…
In sfarsit si-a revenit a trecut peste in sfarsit
A realizat ca-i tanar si mai are o viata de trait
Au trecut 4−5 ani de la ultima tragedie
Si treptat a inceput sa se bucure de copilarie
Dar viata asta dura firar a dracului sa fie
Avea sa se rezerve intr-o doza de agonie
Intr-o zi pe cand era pe afara cu ceilalti copii
A primit o veste pe care avea sa faca noapte din zi…
Cu lacrimi in ochi a fost anuntat de bunica
Ii tremura glasul, plagea, nu stia cum sa-i zica…
Tata e in spital in coma, l-a strivit un copac
Vroia sa taie lemne sa ia si el un sac
Cum in Orsova ne incalzim cu lemne, ce sa zic
Vroia cateva pentru al' mic, sa nu doarma in frig
Si parca nu era de ajuns tot ce s-a intamplat…
Intr-un final ca sa vezi ghinion… a decedat…
Acum e singur, nu stie incotro se indreapta
Dar stie sigur ca viata asta nu-i dreapta
Acum sta si plange uitandu-se la pozele din rama
Un pusti ramas singur, e normal sa-i fie teama…
Daca faci liniste il poti auzii suspinand
Si plangand dupa cei pe care n-o sa-i vada curand
Pentru el sunt niste amintiri care vesnic o sa doara
Dar pentru tine e doar o poveste de seara…
Nane… A new mixtape A new story
A real story… I don't burn it in magic
Everything I say is real, listen to it a little…
It all ended exactly where it started
Orsova, gherna street, south area
The story of a kid whose name I did not remember
Not the other way around, but he's much smaller than me…
He was a good kid, he didn't even bother
He didn't go after the other kids to steal for the blows
He had no impression, he did not boast that he had a back
He didn't look good in combination with company clothes
He was right in his place, I often saw him on the field
But the point is, we'll probably never see him again
No more playing, his smile faded, why?
His mother committed suicide…
The kid lied to everyone that his mother was gone
But he is aware that he will never see her again
He doesn't believe in stories, the kid knows what happened
Mommy took a beating from Daddy and hanged herself…
Now he's alone, he doesn't know where he's going
But he knows for sure that this life is not right
Now he sits and cries looking at the pictures in the frame
A kid left alone, it's normal to be afraid…
If you keep quiet you can hear him sighing
And crying for those he won't see soon
There are some memories for him that will hurt forever
But for you it's just an evening story…
The kid is no longer the same, as if he is no longer recovering
It's getting worse and worse
It's not like before, now his wound is visible…
If you swear at him jokingly, he'll think of his mother
And it's a shame he lost it so early
Tasu runs after money and has been alone for a long time
He would like to go back in line with the kids in the neighborhood
But you can't, it's just not the same…
He no longer goes out to football, he no longer sits on the terrace
He spends more and more time sitting alone in the house
Memories don't let him get over it
You can't get used to the thought that this is
There's a lot of fighting going on in his head
He lacks affection, he doesn't want to see his friends
He sees that he is missing more and more, he feels that he is going crazy
He doesn't even have a towel anymore and believe me he wants it…
Now he's alone, he doesn't know where he's going
But he knows for sure that this life is not right
Now he sits and cries looking at the pictures in the frame
A kid left alone, it's normal to be afraid…
If you keep quiet you can hear him sighing
And crying for those he won't see soon
There are some memories for him that will hurt forever
But for you it's just an evening story…
He finally recovered and finally got over it
He realized that he was young and still had a life to live
It's been 4-5 years since the last tragedy
And gradually he began to enjoy his childhood
But this damn hard life to be
He would reserve himself in a dose of agony
One day when he was out with the other kids
He received news that he was going to make it through the night…
She was announced with tears in her eyes by her grandmother
Her voice was shaking, she was crying, she didn't know how to say it…
My father is in the hospital in a coma, he was crushed by a tree
He wanted to cut wood and take a sack
How in Orsova we warm ourselves with wood, what can I say
He wanted some for the little one, not to sleep in the cold
And all that happened was not enough
In the end to see bad luck… died…
Now he's alone, he doesn't know where he's going
But he knows for sure that this life is not right
Now he sits and cries looking at the pictures in the frame
A kid left alone, it's normal to be afraid…
If you keep quiet you can hear him sighing
And crying for those he won't see soon
There are some memories for him that will hurt forever
But for you it's just an evening story…
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Cum Era ft. Nané 2020
Contactu ft. Nané, OG Eastbull, Dogslife 2019
Bucales 2016
Orașul 2016
CĂMINUL 1-2 2016
T.A.D. ft. Angeles 2016
Abonatu’ 2016
Aer 2019
T.T.B.M. ft. Mitză, Junky, DJ Oldskull 2016
Ca acasă 2016
La mine-n zonă 2016
Orșova, Sud 2016
Virgil Abloh 2019
Sorry Not Sorry 2021
Nike Um 2019
Lachetenent 2021
Fluture ft. El Nino 2020
Milano Mood 2019
Nimic ft. Ruby 2020
Fixxx 2020

Artist lyrics: Nané