Today I woke up earlier than usual
Because outside the window at the construction site the songs are non-Russian.
I went to the street, and there was a repair all around.
More and more often I hear that Phystech is no longer the same.
I'm walking down the street - such a beauty!
Such beauty was here, was not always here!
“There are so many girls, Phystech is no longer the same!”.
Now there is nothing to justify to you that you are alone.
I decided to go to a lecture - there is nowhere to even sit
Everyone came for points to get a chorus (6).
From everywhere the whisper “Phystech is no longer the same.”
Now you have to make less noise! |
What a twist!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Yes, now it's clean and beautiful!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Now everyone is in pairs!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
New hostels are under construction!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
We keep up with the times!
I am happy with the system of electronic passes,
I can go to any hostel at any time.
“All the romance is gone! |
Phystech is no longer the same!”.
Soulless turnstile at the entrance Winston does not take.
Yes, Phystech is changing, whatever you say,
Changing outside, changing inside.
But for the freshmen that come every year
Phystech will be different, but it will always be the same.
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Pedestrian crossing in a normal place!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Faculties united into Phystech-schools!
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Shawarma via paypass.
Phystech is no longer the same! |
Yes, Fiztekh is no longer the same.
Phystech! |
Phystech is no longer the same! |