Lyrics of Colštok - DMS, Kali

Colštok - DMS, Kali
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Colštok, artist - DMS.
Date of issue: 23.12.2018
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Slovak


Štúdio laboratory, zišli sa všetci tí chorí
Po polnoci všetko tu horí, jak keby sme zapálili oheň sorry
Hasiči na párty dovi, nemá kto hasiť tú story
Ktorá sa tu stretla po mesácoch, Dame je tu už volaj Separovi
Osťo s nami došiel z párty, už tam sa rozdali tie karty
Že musíme zavolať ženám, že dneska nedôjdeme za nimi za tmy
Že nevedeli sme aj skratky, Peter Pann zavrel tie zámky
A my sme tu ostali 24 hodín písať tie jebnuté riadky
Zas volá mi Osťo, chlapec z Prievidze dlhý jak colštok
Vždy keď ozve sa je tam tá možnosť, že zas si jak hovno
Sprostosť až po strop
Krstíme ohňom, každý deň voľno
Keď výjdeme von tak bokom ide celý bonton správanie
Si pripadáme jak zvíratá sme, tak nepúšťajte nás spolu von
Vypadáme jak tretia cenová aj tak dojdeme zhorí dom, sorry mou
Mám piči čo si myslia o nás chapeš?
Tí čo súdia nás musia ísť spať, lebo ráno sa vstáva do práce
Nevieme čo so sebou a nevieme sa vpratať do kože, všetci sú ???
Nikto nevie čo sme urobili ale všetci naokolo sú tu pobúrení, bože mój
Pozerám sa na Dameho oči má jak zdechnutý kapor a Kali je konec hnój
Zavolajte veterinárovi, lebo budete mať preplnenú budovu so záchytkou
Chlapci idú prvú ligu urob koridor
Zatial čo degeši len píšu jak Koh-i-Noor
Pazuchy ci štípu jako aglio olio
Nepochopil si, tá noc je trochu o inom
Keď sa ide smažiť more musíš vypadať
Musíš si to vedieť užiť, ne si to iba dať
Zašitý v štúdiu netvor, idem to vyrábať
Posunuté vedomie je iný level, sila, fakt
V tom kde sa oni strácaju my sme doma
Tam kde do bolo v pohode doteraz príde vlna
Ona pičovina, sorry neviem jak sa voláš
No ja sa tu dneska u teba rozjebem jak školák
Mestu sme spravili službu, že ostali sme všetci v štúdiu
A robíme to, čo nás baví aj keď ráno uvidíš múmiu
Zajebali sme ju s Damem za hodinu aj keď odsúdi ju
Každý ten sakár čo kerky nám ráta a doma má jebnutú fúriu
Jebeme fondy, máme tu vlastnú euroúniu
Aj bez toho saka sme viac ako čakáš, kamarát cúvni už
Kali je srdiečkar, robí to pre lóve, peniaze ľúbi furt
Aj keď je starý jak rozhlas, bez lásky zozadu núti ju
Damemu jebe a dneska tu dal som mnou, lebo som v telke bol
Chcel ísť do Modrého neba, no ja som ho nechutne predbehol
Osťo na ceste zo show s nami na Fiate flašu dnes jebol
A teraz sú tri hodiny ráno a my sa skrývame v štúdiu pred nebom
Presne to je to, prečo nemáme žiadne shows more
Ideme poslať životopisy na profesia.
To je to, čo po nás chceli rodičia, lebo sme stále dole
Nemáme nič, náš život je jeden obrovksý ojeb
Chcem sa nejak vyhnúť tomu aby som sa úplne nalátal
Keď tam bude nejaká výborná atmosféra
Aby som bol nútený zobrať odtiaľ auto, lebo
Zajtra fakt potrebujem byť normálny a viem jak
Všelijak sa to môže zvrtnúť
Takže by som chcel, sa zachovať zodpovedne
Bráááško my sme tu ešte a vôbec neviem že jak dlho
Ani čo.
(???) Však ale som ti hovoril že dojdi sem ale si sa
Vyjebal nato.
Akože chápem ale zas na druhú stranu
Mohli sme byť one zábavnejší ty hajzel špinavý
Čo ťa mal otec nasilu z bezdomovcom
Takí koncert sme urobili že tvoja mamka by si odšróbovala
L ako Laco
L ako Laco tam nieje
Zavinilo, včera to bolo akože oni boli strašne opitý - posádka
Také že Osťo dal nejaké že (fžž) do Lipyho
Lipyho kopol strašne do vajec aleže normálne strašnú kopačku
Potom z neznámeho dôvodu umývačka riadu, normálne
Vytopila miestnosť
SBS-kar došiel za nami lebo ho niekto poslal že, že sú
Asi už noc
Lipy bol úplne odporný
Akože bolo to peklo nó celkom
A to bola moja taká posledná
Však Adam je.
Oni sú všetci u Adama aj zo Strapom a
To, to nás celkom prebralo lebo inak sme sa točili v kruhu
Dve hodiny a nemohol som nič robiť
Ani piť ani nič
Bráško ja neviem či to zajtra dám, lebo nám je tu velice
Dobre a neviem do kedy tu budem ale keď budem
Schopný to dať tak to dám, ale rozjebať sa môžme
Aj vždycky šak víš že ja som furt, furt som do hry
Furt som do hry
Pozdrav toho kokota špinavého
Bráško, pozdravujem ťa a prajem ti nech ti ten
Skurvený koncert vyjde a nech tam máš aspoň
Tých 115 ľudí alebo neviem s kým vystupuješ
Viem že tam neni Separ a neni som tam ani ja
Čiže vyzerá to na prepadák ale dúfam že sa
Dostaneš na nejaké line up-y kde budeme obidvaja
Ty hajzeľ špinavý
My sme sa toto ožrali a si tak o 1 v noci som tetoval
Nápis Anna Kmeťova.
Opakuje Anna Kmeťova
Vôbec neviem jak to dopadlo, či v prospech
Súpera alebo nie
Teraz som, sme odviezli Kaliho domov, vďaka bohu
Je ešte tma a ideme rýchlo zabudnúť nato načo
Si nepamätáme
The laboratory studio, all the sick have gathered
After midnight, everything burns here, as if we lit a fire sorry
Firefighters at the party dovi, there is no one to put out the story
Who met here after months, Dame is here to call Separ
Osťo came with us from the party, the cards were already dealt there
That we must call the women that we will not go after them in the dark today
Peter Pann closed the locks because we didn't know the shortcuts
And we stayed here 24 hours to write those fucking lines
Osťo, a boy from Prievidza as long as a colt, calls me again
Whenever he calls, there's the possibility that you're like shit again
Obscenity up to the ceiling
We baptize with fire, every day off
When we go out, the whole etiquette behavior goes sideways
We feel like animals, so don't let us out together
We look both third priced and we'll run down the house anyway, sorry mine
I have a pussy, what do you think of us?
Those who judge us have to go to bed because he gets up at work in the morning
We don't know what to do with us and we can't get into our skin, everyone is ???
No one knows what we did but everyone around here is outraged, my God
I look at Dame's eyes like a dead carp and Kali's end manure
Call a veterinarian because you will have a crowded building with a trap
The boys go to the first league to make a corridor
While degeshi just write like Koh-i-Noor
Arms or graft like aglio olio
He didn't understand, that night was a little different
When it comes to frying the sea you have to look
You have to be able to enjoy it, not just give it up
Stitched in the monster studio, I'm going to make it
Shifted consciousness is a different level, power, fact
We are at home where they get lost
Where it was fine, the wave will come
Shit, sorry I don't know your name
Well, I'm going to fuck you here like a schoolboy
We did the city a service so we all stayed in the studio
And we do what we enjoy even when you see a mummy in the morning
Dam and I fucked her in an hour, even though he convicted her
Every sakar who kills us and has a fucking fury at home
We fuck the funds, we have our own euro Union
Even without that jacket, we're more than you expect, my friend backing away
Kali is a sweetheart, he does it for hunts, he loves money all the time
Even though she is as old as a radio, she forces her from behind without love
Damem damn, and I put me here today because I was on TV
He wanted to go to Blue Sky, but I overtook him disgustingly
Osťo on the way from the show with us to the Fiat bottle was fucking today
And now it's three o'clock in the morning and we're hiding in the studio from the sky
This is exactly why we have no more shows
We are going to send CVs to the profession.
That's what our parents wanted from us, because we're still down
We have nothing, our life is one huge fuck
I want to somehow avoid getting over it completely
When there will be some great atmosphere
To be forced to take the car from there, because
I really need to be normal tomorrow and I know how
It can go awry in any way
So I would like to behave responsibly
Brother, we're still here and I don't know how long
Not at all.
(???) But I told you to come here but you are
He fucked then.
As I understand it, but on the other hand
We could have been one more fun you fucking dirty
What did your father force you from the homeless
We did a concert like that that your mom would unscrew
L if Laco
L as Laco is not there
Guilt, yesterday it was like they were terribly drunk - the crew
Also that Osťo gave some (fžž) to Lipy
Lipy kicked a terrible egg, but normally a terrible football
Then, for an unknown reason, the dishwasher, normally
She heated the room
SBS-kar came to us because someone sent him that they were
Probably night
Lipy was completely disgusting
Like it was hell, not at all
And that was my last
After all, Adam is.
They are all with Adam and Strapom and
That, that completely took over us, because otherwise we were spinning in a circle
Two hours and I couldn't do anything
Neither drink nor anything
Brother, I don't know if I'll give it tomorrow, because we have a lot here
Well, I don't know when I'll be here but when I'll be
Able to give it that way, I'll give it up, but we can start
You always know that I'm still, I'm still in the game
I'm still in the game
Say hello to that dirty dick
Brother, I greet you and wish you one
The fucking concert will come out and at least you have it there
Those 115 people or I don't know who you're performing with
I know Separ isn't there and neither am I
So it looks like a loser but I hope so
You'll get to some line ups where we'll both be
You fucking dirty
Are you listening?
We got drunk on this, so I tattooed at 1 in the morning
Inscription Anna Kmeťova.
Anna Kmeťova repeats
I have no idea how it turned out or in my favor
Opponent or not
Now I am, we have taken Kali home, thank God
It's still dark and we're going to quickly forget what
We don't remember
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Dnes Už Viem ft. Kali 2017
Idem C ft. Pil C 2015
Ďalšia Špina 2015
Džungla ft. Strapo, Majself, Kali 2017
Kardio 2018
Fénix ft. Kali 2017
Schíza ft. DMS 2020
Vata ft. BERI 2011
Chemia ft. Zazia, Kali, EWA 2015
Poslanie ft. Mona 2011
Vec Zvyku ft. Danost, DMS 2014
Bekagiddare ft. Kali, Yaaru 2019
Milión ft. DNA 2011
Kým Máš Čas 2011
Sarigide ft. Shastra 2019
Pretvárka ft. Momo 2011
Odkaz ft. Tono S. 2011
Não Tem Refrão ft. DaPaz, Mazin, PEREIRA 2018
Šetko Jak Má Byť ft. Mona 2011
Pomoc ft. Dame, Separ, Majself 2017

Artist lyrics: DMS
Artist lyrics: Kali