First couplet:
Fact or fiction, and finally whether in this world,
Beyond oceans, continents, cities,
The fruit gave rise to a stem and not one, but three.
Everyone accepted what he gave,
I decided to servants how to give to my own children,
All according to talents, the first five,
To whom I have already entrusted more than once and have not lost,
Who did not erase the written laws by the father.
The second two, you can safely step onto the ladder,
He is a devoted servant and a worthy slave.
And there, at least the ninth wave, at least a flurry,
In a country where no one has sailed or brought submarines.
The third one also received, but the only one,
To each is given according to strength, so it is written,
He just lived, ate, drank, kept thinking who he was.
Mister ticket has left, look after the house.
It's all in the book, it's all there,
Was or was not think for yourself.
To all according to talents, to all according to business,
It's all in the book, it's all there.
Second couplet:
For so many years there was no rumor, no news,
The house rejoices today, the owner is in place!
The governor's question, what's up?
Are all the branches intact, were there winds or flames?
What about the neighbors? |
How is the economy?
As talents, he asked what I distributed to the flock.
The first one who was given five answered,
I didn't hide my talents behind the seal.
Here they are rolling in lodges,
Cattle, grain, golden scabbards, wine, and so much more.
The lord said, I did not expect otherwise.
Enter into my joy, become new.
Second after the example of the first good spirit,
Acquired two of the two talents.
Dawn, sunset in the work of the hand and foot,
So the faithful little one set himself over many.
The one to whom he gave one approached, spoke,
I buried it, now it's yours.
All the time while you were away lying in the ground,
Fearing your wrath, saved so many years.
There are seas, years floated,
And you save talent, hide it from dust, so it is in the world.
And he ordered to select the only one,
Reassign to those who are full of good.
The master was wise and there was morality,
The result of the affairs of the inhabitants of the yard,
Whoever has, to him it will be given, here is the message,
And who does not have will lose what he has.
It's all in the book, it's all there,
Was or was not think for yourself.
To all according to talents, to all according to business,
It's all in the book, it's all there.
An ardent mind needs food,
The parable is not a secret, we give links,
Here seek faith through principle,
From Matthew 25-14-30. |