Fragments of poems like burning leaves in the sky,
Rhymes will not become a meteorite at the height.
The poet's soul became sad and the viewer wept,
Poems are probably in the oven, verses fly to the floor.
Or they are for printing, a lot of sadness.
Newspaper effect, hard to ignore.
Poems, and mountains and rivers stung the stanza,
The letters slowed down, changed the path.
If the essence, if the path is different,
Lyrica suddenly turned her back on her face.
You don't need binoculars from the last row, you can see everything anyway.
Healed all the wounds, fixed the marriage.
We rewrote the finale and turned on the fanfare,
And selections of the best Spanish guitars.
They blew up firecrackers from words, castles from dreams,
They changed their character, but did not wipe away their tears.
Believe their words, is it possible to follow in the footsteps,
If not broken, then carried away like an autumn leaf,
The stage is his house, his theme is only an encore, only an encore,
Even if the drains are per bit, even if the lines are per bit.
The day closes, the night falls asleep with snow, floods the whole yard with light,
Like a TV channel, on which the deceived gaze fell on the authors,
In the paranoia of the world and in the delight of the hall, the ear, the monologue aloud, has so weakened,
He is one at least two.
Fiction wiped the nose of the truth -
It's like smoking at a gas station, driving when you don't have a license.
Behind the wheel, the author presses the pedal to the floor and presses on the brake,
Dangerous, he became his track, 200 on red!
And maybe even without a microphone, even there somewhere in the background,
It can be rumor and books, backing and Prima,
Reality and dream, old and new, shabby and clear,
One time will be a balm, the other a sword.
Believe their words, is it possible to follow in the footsteps,
If not broken, then carried away like an autumn leaf,
The stage is his house, his theme is only an encore, only an encore,
Even if the drains are per bit, even if the lines are per bit. |