Well, that's all, we are left -
Me and Andryukha from Kostroma,
Alive at our checkpoint among the acacias,
There is a machine gun, there is a machine gun,
There is my grenade launcher without grenades,
And somewhere far away the battalion commander wheezes at the radio
Dad shouts into the radio to us:
“Everyone act according to the plan“ Shield! ”,
And Andryukha and I don't care - what a shield, what a sword ...
Our vocabulary is extremely simple,
There is an attack on the checkpoint,
We have no time for plans, we would save our heads
Hot "Stingrays" black smoke,
Orem: "Special forces are invincible!",
Though Andryukhin became black
Maroon beret, and his CVD
There are not the same notes in the voice:
As they say, what is rich - there is no other
I counted through this darkness -
About forty to one
And this is a bullet or captivity, one of the two,
And both understood - Khan,
But then the foreman woke up,
And obscenity raised our almost fallen spirit
I hear him yelling through the smoke:
"Let's give hand-to-hand combat,
Vigorous strength, so that yours, power mother ... "
This maroon beret -
Free pass to the next world
For those beasts that want to pluck it
Then everything was like in a dream:
The guys came on the armor,
Around their own, and ours ended the war,
And we sit like fools -
Back to back, bayonets in hand,
Acacia, roadblock, and silence...
And the battalion commander says something,
And we laugh out of place
And swears like a shoemaker, foreman -
We were here and didn't give up
But five did not wait
Someone is a mother, someone is a daughter, someone is a wife
I rise to my full height,
For my shot checkpoint,
And I myself do not believe that I am safe and sound,
And white paint on the post,
To be seen from a mile away
I wrote: "Special forces are invincible!"
And white paint on the post,
To be seen from a mile away
I wrote: "Special forces are invincible!"... |