How far apart are people?
Cold greetings are also said by force
People talk about death and blood
They are buried with a hundred regrets
How much I kept in my old heart
How fast I ran and realized I was crisp
When you see me, you tell me how upset you are
But I know how much I burst out of you
Those people who call you my servant
They die in your heart with a few fat words
It is enough to be unused then
You see, it flutters like a piece of paper
You locked your heart and told a stranger
For the wounds of all the ointment of the Red Cross
When it comes to you, give Holt a quick fall
When you find the mousetrap, the mufti cheese
I did not learn the lesson of unity from anyone
Just teaching me to go forward with fear and anxiety
My experience told me stories like the wind
Use this talent
What are the plans behind me?
I also mourn that they are short-sighted
It does not matter to me that I sit at work
But it's very sad when I see it
Well, we see the most superficial problems in depth
We take our deepest problems superficially and
We do when we see each other injured and
We pay in installments and finally get all the cash
When we die, your eyes become mourning and blood
We will be promoted and become a good person
I remember exactly all of this exactly in my eyes
I saw and wrote word for word from the truth
That is, you are just plotting
When you reach power, you sit on top of it
Be careful how you treat people
One day you come back and see the same people downstairs
God bless you now
But he dug a well next to me
That is, when you go, you are in the power phase
You saw your employee's employee
I raise this issue here
Although I know they do
Sit with a broken brain and think every moment
To crush you, a herd from Kufa
Those who just go after the margins
And well, the principle of the goal just collapses
What? |
Do not you want to say only not?
Look, this is what they call the margin
They are easy to make big
First, their only thought and mention is support
They tell you to go ahead and do not push
Until you grow up, they will yell at you
Honestly, telling me to make a will in this work
Preferably I want to focus
A will for me means the last word
Which is then hard to believe
The silence of you and me means that we are no more
Accept what it is
Go kill your lacto and your voice
In the heart of the city and finish
Because life is hard, your eyes are full of tears
دوشوار؟ |
What can I say about the last three rivers
It's funny, but what's inside
The result is that silence is only the result of a wound
The wound of what your brain tore from within
The important thing is to be who you want to be
I see Hamo far away from my eyes
I sit with enthusiasm and watch a cartoon
I still get angry with my mother
I still take bread from the alley with slippers
I am still at the highest peak of all thorns
The more I cook, the raw I am
To be the boss for my working homeland
I wrote this to be soft from this dumb world |