Our lark,
you fly high.
Maybe you'll give me the answer in my affliction?
Our lark,
up in heaven
fly even higher, that you may see beyond the sea
and tell me:
How is he at home today?
Then if the weir is still buzzing there?
Then, if a flock of geese rises,
my white geese when a dog barks at them?
How is he at home today,
when the fog lies in the heather
and when an accordion comes to us from the village
and when they echo above the wild water carried into the woods?
Ask the water what the water knows,
ask the heather what the heather knows.
A cloud of white, black forest will answer you.
How is he at home today, how is he today?
Playing with the devil (with J. Korn)
H: As the moon sets behind the cloud,
a shadow falls on your face,
superstition strikes me.
The devil is watching himself,
that he makes fun of us
that he will jump on us
from your eyes.
J: If I were afraid
so I would stand by
from you on.
Don't you know
that when you're closer
are we short?
All devils know
why, I'm here and I don't know who,
why i care so much about you
why aren't I afraid of you anymore?
I will be afraid
and how crazy to laugh
let the devil jump out
from your eyes.
Both: When we started
play with the devil
you must not be afraid
we have to finish the game with the devil
Who doesn't like it (with J. Korn., L. Hermanová and M. Rottrová)
All: Supposedly who doesn't like
he is said to be unlucky.
He who doesn't like
it's like a fence without poles,
L: how without an ear pitcher,
how to foamless beer.
All: What beauty costs
and everything gets wet,
who does not like.
J: If you were Eva
and if i were a snake
you'd be surprised
how would
how would
Adam didn't like me.
L: Only the one who likes
that card falls.
M: Just the one who likes
I just like it.
H: You Universe are mine
and you are my Einstein.
All: People are people
and he sees in people only
who likes. |