My name is Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, my skin is not like the stuffing of a cheesecake:
Swarthy face, black curls, thanks to great-grandfather for all these chips.
Owners of not too big mind, calling names a monkey were considered mandatory
And even in the lyceum, spiteful critics often joked that my ancestors got off the branch yesterday.
They say my great-grandfather Aral Hanibal was Peter, for a battle of rum, bought in Amsterdam from a money changer
Whoever didn’t accuse me of anything, but you yourself are all aware of what the final was.
I erected a monument to myself not made by hands, I am recognized as great by both the scientist and the student
Learning Russian without reading my books is a road straight to a dead end.
So where do the literate people come from who think that racism and Russia
These are words with the same root, you know, Pushkin is against people like you, yo!
You look gloomy at people who don't look like you, you mumble something about Russian culture
So here is your answer from this culture, or that Pushkin is not a Russian poet.
I see someone lengthens the line for you to paradise, everything around along the highway is a rod,
and you are on the sidelines.
Who's stopping you? |
Foreign workers, foreign students and all such others.
Your life without them would be an easy movie, with a cool beginning, middle and
the end
And you yourself would be all a dancer, a dancer, if an egg didn’t rub against an egg
And briefly about national dances: Russians have always been a friendly nation.
They beat only those who first climbed to fight, xenophobia is the lot of the Neanderthal.
Let's leave racism to the Pithecanthropes and Australopithecus, hello everyone from the nineteenth
It's cool with you, the progress is impressive, there is only one thing Pushkin cannot understand. A. S. Chorus:
So where do the literate people come from who think that racism and Russia
These are words with the same root, you know, Pushkin is against people like you, yo!
You look gloomy at people who don't look like you, you mumble something about Russian culture
So here is your answer from this culture, or that Pushkin is not a Russian poet.
So where do the literate people come from who think that racism and Russia
These are words with the same root, you know, Pushkin is against people like you, yo!
You look gloomy at people who don't look like you, you mumble something about Russian culture
So here is your answer from this culture, or that Pushkin is not a Russian poet. |