Lyrics of Xafa-xafa - Муниса Ризаева

Xafa-xafa - Муниса Ризаева
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Xafa-xafa, artist - Муниса Ризаева. Album song Сборник, in the genre
Date of issue: 15.07.2018
Record label: Maestro Production
Song language: Uzbek


Xafa-xafa… Xafa-xafa...
Ko‘zmunchoq ko‘zlarimga qarab turib,
Nega meni xafa qilding, insofing bormi?
O‘rtoqlarim bilan ko‘cha aylangani chiqaman desam…
(“Qatga, nima devossan, eshitilmayapti?”)
Ko‘zmunchoq ko‘zlarimga qarab turib,
Nega meni xafa qilding, insofing bormi?
Sochlarimni jamalak qilib,
Sening ishdan kelishing kutsam…
Namuncha rashkchisiz?!
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
(B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
Gapingizga tushunmadim!)
Ertalab kirib kelib, yana meni nega xafa qilasan,
Nimaga, insofing bormi?
Aybni menga to‘nkab, yana ustimdan qotib-qotib kulasan,
Insofing bormi?
“Dadajonisi magazinda bitta tufli ko‘rdim” desam
(Allo, gapir, eshitilmayapti)
Sochlarimni jamalak qilib,
Sening ishdan kelishing kutsam…
Namuncha rashkchisiz?!
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
(B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
B-b-bb-b.. bop.. b-b-bb..
Gapingizga tushunmadim!)
Abli-jabli, bb-bb, gaplaringiz juda xafa eshitilar,
Axir shunda xafa qilma meni bunday.
Asalim, shakarim, deb erkalardingiz, esizdami, a?
Esizda yo‘q.
Achinarli, gaplarimni sizda qolmagan bo‘lsa,
Xafa bo‘lmadim, hatto ko‘nglimni olmagan bo‘lsa,
Nega-nega xafa bo‘laman?
Axir sevaman!
(Voy-voyey, asalim o‘zimni)
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Nechun yorim bo‘ldi mendan xafa?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa,
Ayb mendami yo sendami?
Xafa-xafa, xafa-xafa, xafa…
Xafa-xafa… Xafa-xafa ...
Looking into my eyes,
Why did you upset me, are you honest?
I'd like to go for a walk with my friends.
("Katga, what the hell are you not hearing?")
Looking into my eyes,
Why did you upset me, are you honest?
Curling my hair,
I look forward to seeing you at work…
How jealous are you ?!
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
(B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
Are you drunk?
I did not understand what you said!)
Why do you come in the morning and upset me again,
Why, are you insofing?
You blame me and laugh at me again,
Are you insofing?
I said, "I saw a pair of shoes at Daddy's store."
(Hello, speak, can't be heard)
Curling my hair,
I look forward to seeing you at work…
How jealous are you ?!
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
(B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
B-b-bb-b .. bop .. b-b-bb ..
Are you drunk?
I did not understand what you said!)
Abli-jabli, bb-bb, your words sound very sad,
After all, don't upset me like that.
You used to say honey and sugar, remember?
Don't remember.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm not upset, even if I'm not upset.
Why am I upset?
I love it!
(Wow, honey myself)
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Why am I upset?
Upset-upset, upset-upset, upset,
Is it my fault or yours?
Upset, upset, upset…
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Armon ft. Yamin Band 2020
Bo'ldi yurak 2020
Ayrilding 2021
Ovuna 2018
Aybim Sevganim 2018
Dale-dale ft. Rayxon 2018
Ketgin yiroqlarga 2018
Dil 2020
Надоли ft. Yamin Band 2020
Bir nima de 2019

Artist lyrics: Муниса Ризаева