Lyrics of Brooklyn - Miyagi & Andy Panda, TumaniYO

Brooklyn - Miyagi & Andy Panda, TumaniYO
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Brooklyn, artist - Miyagi & Andy Panda.
Date of issue: 30.04.2020
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Russian language


(original) Detroit players
Timbs for my hooligans in Brooklyn...
Как будто бы Бруклин
Псы идут на запах, когда папа в будке
Мутки, bloody Babylon — тебе не шутки
Индивиды клауда пресные, как бабки
На плече тяжелый Biggie, а на шее monkey
Сбоку мои скифы, под ногами те же Nike
Вроде бы не билборд, я из той же шайки
Залетаю в Комптон, забираю брата
Не грози южным кварталам, там мои ребята
Сам себе бог, луп наоборот
Клубы не про нас, мы другие, нас это не прёт
Собираемся на хате, чилим от других подальше
Если хочешь ближе, тебя схавают черные пасти
Быстрый как ебучий болт
Йоу, сколько не ищи, мы самый редкий сорт
На пути встают пресловутые на криме
Hajime на связи, если вы просили
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
Тут видно кроссы на проводах
И людей чернее черного
Проблемой не на словах
Как разбитый коктейль Молотова
В этих делах крошатся головы, греются колбы
Я вышел из комнаты, чтобы тебе напомнить
Кто тут у майка, улица wake up
Черная магия моя сломала фейдер
Все самопально, звук из подвала
Этим закалялась и теперь рубит наша катана
Panda поддал саунда — классика жанра
В городе ветров, с низов — это мой Чикаго
Hey, yo, flow
YO вырастил микрорайон, и теперь он целится за горизонт и за кордон
Далеко за пределами всяких дешевых контор
Мой саппорт и опора — плечи своих пацанов
Береги корпус от басса
Он рвет монитор, как картон
В свои степи с гор
Будто с Бруклина в Комптон
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
(translation) Detroit players
Timbs for my hooligans in Brooklyn...
Like Brooklyn
Dogs follow the smell when dad is in the booth
Mutki, bloody Babylon - you are not a joke
Cloud individuals are bland as grandmas
On the shoulder is a heavy Biggie, and on the neck is a monkey
On the side are my skiffs, under the feet are the same Nike
It seems to be not a billboard, I'm from the same gang
Fly to Compton, pick up my brother
Do not threaten the southern quarters, my guys are there
God himself, loop on the contrary
Clubs are not about us, we are different, we are not rushing
We are going to the hut, chilling away from others
If you want closer, black mouths grab you
Fast as a fucking bolt
Yo, no matter how much you look, we are the rarest variety
On the way stand notorious on the cream
Hajime is in touch if you asked.
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
Here you can see the crosses on the wires
And people blacker than black
The problem is not in words
Like a broken Molotov cocktail
In these cases, heads crumble, flasks are heated
I left the room to remind you
Who's here with Mike, street wake up
My black magic broke the fader
All self-made, sound from the basement
This tempered and now cuts our katana
Panda succumbed to the sound - a classic of the genre
In the city of winds, from the bottom - this is my Chicago
Hey, yo, flow
YO has grown a microdistrict, and now he aims for the horizon and for the cordon
Far beyond any cheap offices
My support and support are the shoulders of my boys
Keep your body away from the bass
He tears the monitor like cardboard
To their steppes from the mountains
Like from Brooklyn to Compton
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
No-no-no fear, no lie
Listen to my rhythm, hands up, I talk about a legalize
If you scared, shut the fuck up, man, if you scared
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Minor 2020
Bismarck ft. TumaniYO, KADI 2019
Там ревели горы 2020
Dance Up ft. Miyagi & Эндшпиль 2018
Jamm ft. TumaniYO 2019
Kosandra 2020
It's My Life ft. TumaniYO 2018
Utopia 2020
Freeman 2019
Billboard ft. Andy Panda, TumaniYO 2019
Yamakasi 2020
Буревестник 2022
Fuck the Money ft. TumaniYO 2018
All the Time 2020
Jumanji ft. Miyagi, TumaniYO 2019
Tantra 2020
Force ft. Andy Panda, TumaniYO 2019
Психопатия 2020
Atlant 2020
Sun ft. TumaniYO, Niman 2019

Artist lyrics: Miyagi & Andy Panda
Artist lyrics: TumaniYO