Lyrics of Tantra - Miyagi & Andy Panda

Tantra - Miyagi & Andy Panda
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Tantra, artist - Miyagi & Andy Panda. Album song YAMAKASI, in the genre Русский рэп
Date of issue: 16.07.2020
Age restrictions: 18+
Record label: Hajime
Song language: Russian language


Перед костром замирали взгляды
Ты лакомый кусок на виду фауны
Естество манило звездопадами
Готовы были волками выть до луны
Ваша манера навыдумывать правду
Добивала холодом суть глубины
Вы возомнили о себе, чё не надо
Нарушая суетою гладь тишины
Человек награди себя сам, да
Пониманием, дабы Бога постичь
Как и говорил, каждый сам себе Санта
Себя наказали, себя надо простить
Надо вывозить до последнего раунда
От этого гонева нам надо валить
Дура-голова, моя музыка-тантра
Моя музыка-тантра
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
Тут нет брахманов, мы без bad man'ов
Так же у костра оторвались от диванов
Среди друзей, как среди шаманов
Пускаем корни, лечимся на травах
Это ли не тантра в моей голове
Снова придает уверенности в завтрашнем дне
Особенно в кайф, если тяжело сказать словами
Не грузись, музыка без правил
Meditation в ушах, по проводам
Голос — инструмент, и он режет напополам
Это ли не тантра — я представляю Hajime
И благодарен людям за то
Что вы на одной волне со мной
Meditation всё так же у костра
Включили бит, фристайлим до утра
Meditation среди друзей, среди шаманов
Пускаем корни, лечимся на травах
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
Meditation, Meditation, Meditation
In front of the fire, eyes froze
You are a tidbit in the mind of the fauna
Nature beckoned with starfalls
Were ready to howl like wolves to the moon
Your way of making up the truth
Finished with cold the essence of depth
You imagined yourself, what is not necessary
Violating the vanity of the silence
Reward yourself man, yeah
Understanding to understand God
As he said, every Santa for himself
You have punished yourself, you must forgive yourself
Gotta take it out before the last round
From this drive we need to bring down
Fool head, my music is tantra
My tantra music
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
There are no brahmins here, we are without bad mans
Also around the fire broke away from the sofas
Among friends, as among shamans
Putting down roots, healing with herbs
Isn't this tantra in my head
Gives confidence in the future again
Especially in a rush, if it's hard to say in words
Don't get carried away, music without rules
Meditation in the ears, by wire
The voice is an instrument and it cuts in half
Isn't this tantra - I represent Hajime
And thanks to the people
That you are on the same wavelength with me
Meditation is still by the fire
Turned on the beat, freestyle until the morning
Meditation among friends, among shamans
Putting down roots, healing with herbs
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
My inspiration, my experience, my legacy
Humanization is the only chance to be a family
My fuckin' patience is running out, but I believe
War will burn with racist and evil nationalist
Meditation, Meditation, Meditation
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Minor 2020
Там ревели горы 2020
Brooklyn ft. TumaniYO 2020
Kosandra 2020
Utopia 2020
Freeman 2019
Yamakasi 2020
Буревестник 2022
All the Time 2020
Психопатия 2020
Atlant 2020
Get Up 2019
Релизы ft. Miyagi & Andy Panda 2016
Мало нам 2020
Medicine 2020
Не жалея 2020
При своём 2019

Artist lyrics: Miyagi & Andy Panda