Cry in the tears of the pen
Look, I'm fine though
But without anyone but you
He has no one and this was a gift
On behalf of the world at will
I did not take it, I'm just like you
I have no one, you are a secret
I tell you to write until it is okay, again, ointment
If I rap because I have something in my heart
It's not for fun I have something in my heart
It is true that the intellect is the eye
Let me show you a spring
I'm not a happy person for that
The same sadness is lurking in my eyes
So that's the reason why
Everyone has a bad impression of this
I'm happy to have a bitter streak
I'm not sick I have heart disease
I say this time I'm the one who breaks my hatred
His voice is heard by all people
He's everything in the world
He has a house in his eyes
The one who has to laugh but Grace laughs
The one who is a stranger in his city
Familiar with a world
None of them believed the bitter nostalgia of his voice
He's me he's me he's me
I break my toggle
I grew up with a complexion as a child
So do not ask why we are wild because that
Sometimes it makes sense to me
There is less love in existence
My childhood was not considered human
I was watching mockery
As I got older, I saw it was time
To reduce my resentment a little
I retaliated against my enemy
I saw something in the street that killed me
The knot is filling up
No one has trained to empty it
I'm not alone, much like me
My words are like help
I'm not sick, I'm a little confused
I am responsible for caressing my heart
I still have blue stomachs
Do not look at caffeine poems with two eyes
I am the one who breaks my throat
It's not just you, God hears that too
He has a lot of stories
On her silent lips
His scream remained in his chest
Do not miss
The height of a book world
With a world to tell each of its sorrows
Each of his stories
He's me he's me he's me
I will break my throat with greed |