Lyrics of Rampa - DMS, Horkyze Slize

Rampa - DMS, Horkyze Slize
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Rampa, artist - DMS.
Date of issue: 09.12.2021
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Slovak


200−500 všetko platia
Lovia lubne hladní bratia
No dneska nemajú šťastia
Jebať na to skúsme zajtra
Idem domov, maj sa zatiaľ
Aj tak mám fakt plné vajca
Pred podnikom pekná čajka
Výstrih vraví že je ľahšia
Do hlavy jej dal chrobáka
Vypisuje von ju láka
Chce v nej namočiť čuráka
Varí ju jak šéfkuchár
Pozýva ju na panáka
Ožrala sa len huláka
Dobre jej dal do zobáka
Zaspala on nešukal
Špina strapata ta ta ta ta ta
Celá výplata ta ta ta ta ta
V hajzli spláchnuta ta ta ta ta ta
Ty tu spíš skapata ta ta ta ta
Natlačil ju mentolom
Vyložil ju pred domom
Ísť domov bolo priskoro
Tak jej pojebal mater
Niekto fajčí niekto pije
Niekto špatný plešatý je
Niekto si to tu užije
Niekto patrí k mŕtvolám
A o niekom iba svedčí
Že mu nenarástol väčší
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
S npochopením sa stretli
Multipla a nové Bently
Lacná fajka z parkoviska
Tancuješ jak kredit píska
Chcel by si do nevestinca
Ale s cenou nemestíš sa
Poskytnem ti zdarma info
Najvác stojí pekná nymfo
Night club Vincov les
Víno čo píše jak mokrý pes
Jak ožratý drevený sex s tvojou sestrou
Des, jak spotený dych tvojej ex
Po ôsmich pivách je to jak trest
Po dvoch chleboch s masťou a treskou
A cez to
Chceš ísť von no nemáš s kým
Dopletený jak Mr.
My ideme tvrdo jak Charlie Sheen
Ty si závislý na nenávisti
Mám alergiu na tie trápne rými
Visin-mi zapíjam Claritin-y
Nádych počkaj zostaň, cítiš?
Nádych vodka brzda výdych
Horí ti maštal kdekolvek hráme
Ja chaču tebja zožer mi párek
Logická hádanka aký sme žáner
Sme lístok na Mars my fucking brother
Máme v piči na lehátku schválne
Keď budeš na compe tak vytrhni kábel
Sme banda tupých hláv a furt máme
Silný refrén jak Redbull v káve
Špina strapata ta ta ta ta ta
Celá výplata ta ta ta ta ta
V hajzli spláchnuta ta ta ta ta ta
Ty tu spíš skapata ta ta ta ta
Niekto fajčí niekto pije
Niekto špatný plešatý je
Niekto si to tu užije
Niekto patrí k mŕtvolám
A o niekom iba svedčí
Že mu nenarástol väčší
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
Postup krajne netradičný
Všetko vyšlo na chlp pičný
Dal si na bench 200 kilo
Skoro ťa to prizabilo
Jebol som to na stojan
A tak sa pýtam som to ja?
Keď skončím potom zavolám
Aj živým aj mŕtvolám
Pradedo si našiel ajfón v truhle
Odtvedy má ruku v pravom uhle
A posiela svojej vnučke
Kokotiny srandovnučké
Nasadila nad ním štyri tuje
On jej za to úsmev opätuje
Slzy sa mu z toho valia
To som nepotreboval ja
Niekto má na všetko liek
Niekto kartón Cameliek
Niekto si tu dobre žije
Niekto na svete je sám
A o niekom iba svedčí
Že mu nenarástol väčší
O nás kopa jeblých rečí
200-500 all apply
Hungry hungry brothers love
But today they are unlucky
Let's try fucking tomorrow
I'm going home, have fun for now
I still have a lot of eggs
A nice seagull in front of the company
The neckline says it's lighter
He put a beetle in his head
She writes her out
He wants to soak her dick in it
She cooks it like a chef
He invites her for a shot
She only got drunk
He put it in her beak
He fell asleep he didn't fuck
Dirty strapped ta ta ta ta ta
The whole payoff
That shit is washed away in that shit
You're more of a guy
He pushed her with menthol
He unloaded it in front of the house
It was too early to go home
So her mother fucked her
Someone smokes someone drinks
Someone is bad bald
Someone will enjoy it here
Someone belongs to the corpses
And he's just testifying about someone
That he hadn't grown bigger
A lot of fucking talks about us
They met with understanding
Multipla and New Bently
Cheap pipe from the parking lot
You dance like a credit whistle
You want a brothel
But you can't stand the price
I'll give you free info
A nice nymph stands the most
Night club Vincov les
Wine that writes like a wet dog
What drunken wooden sex with your sister
Des, how sweaty your ex's breath
After eight beers, it's like a punishment
After two breads with ointment and cod
And through it
You want to go out but you have no one with whom
Entangled as Mr.
We're going as hard as Charlie Sheen
You're addicted to hate
I'm allergic to those embarrassing rhinitis
Visin, I'm drinking Claritin
Wait a minute, stay, do you feel?
Inhale vodka brake exhalation
It burns you everywhere we play
I want you to eat me a sausage
A logical puzzle of what genre we are
We have a ticket to Mars my fucking brother
We have a pussy on the lounger on purpose
When you're at the computer, pull the cable
We are a bunch of dumb heads and we still have
A strong refrain like Redbull in coffee
Dirty strapped ta ta ta ta ta
The whole payoff
That shit is washed away in that shit
You're more of a guy
Someone smokes someone drinks
Someone is bad bald
Someone will enjoy it here
Someone belongs to the corpses
And he's just testifying about someone
That he hadn't grown bigger
A lot of fucking talks about us
Extremely unconventional procedure
It all came out of the hair
You put 200 kilos on the bench
It almost killed you
I fucked it on the stand
So I'm asking is it me?
When I'm done, I'll call
Both living and corpses
Pradedo found an ajfon in the chest
Since then, he has his hand at a right angle
And he sends his granddaughter
Funny cocktails
She put four thujas over him
He gives her a smile again
Tears well up in him
I didn't need that
Someone has the cure for everything
Someone cartons Camel
Someone lives well here
Someone in the world is alone
And he's just testifying about someone
That he hadn't grown bigger
A lot of fucking talks about us
Translation rating: 1.5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

VLAK 2011
Logická hádanka 2013
A ja sprosta 2011
Idem C ft. Pil C 2015
Ďalšia Špina 2015
Intro 2004
Vo svite luny 2021
Kardio 2018
Nespokojné kapely 2021
Postoj 2021
Schíza ft. DMS 2020
Vata ft. BERI 2011
Poslanie ft. Mona 2011
Vec Zvyku ft. Danost, DMS 2014
Milión ft. DNA 2011
Kým Máš Čas 2011
Tribula 2021
Pretvárka ft. Momo 2011

Artist lyrics: DMS
Artist lyrics: Horkyze Slize