Why? |
- Because you are in this too
What is not in you - that will not happen
Why? |
- Because this is the absolute,
And also because I love you!
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
That's how it happened? |
I met with you
I didn’t even dream, but there are already children!
Everything is so globally direct, as in legends
Happened to us, not somewhere with someone
After all, it was anything, there were weekdays
Depression and cozy rented house
Food, travel, mourning and illness
Enemies, fun, old local room
And there were other meetings before you
Friends are different, the path is different
You are tired now, you came back late...
And I stuck with grandiose nonsense:
“But why will everything be, is and was?”
And here we are looking at each other dear
And only at this moment in our conversation
Everything is real and everything is even more real
What do you say?
Why? |
- Because you are in this too
What is not in you - that will not happen
Why? |
- Because this is the absolute,
And also because I love you!
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
You are so smart, take out the trash
Doesn't fit into the urn. |
And cut the watermelon
How lucky we are yet... How happy we are!
Can't we fall out of love? |
And suddenly, once we ...
Let's not want to be - I'm yours, you're mine?
We do not own our chemistry
Some couples live unthinkable -
They lie, they yell in front of children, they leave home
I'm afraid to imagine that it would be like this with us
By the way, delicious potatoes with cheese, right?
Just don't die, won't you die?
I've had enough of this, good!
Listen, what is it? |
Did you wash your hands?
Well, when did you wash? |
Let me have a look! |
Come on!
Okay, I couldn't catch...
What are you thinking about? |
Why are you keeping silent?
Why is life like this?
Why? |
- Because you are in this too
What is not in you - that will not happen
Why? |
- Because this is the absolute,
And also because I love you!
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
Why? |
- Because you are in this too
What is not in you - that will not happen
Why? |
- Because this is the absolute,
And also because I love you!
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because
Explain to no avail, all the words here are alien
And we'll just have to believe, because |