Lyrics of Branči Kováč - VEC

Branči Kováč - VEC
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Branči Kováč, artist - VEC
Date of issue: 17.01.2013
Song language: Slovak

Branči Kováč

Zásadná otázka: Kto to je?
Tí čo ho videli, vraveli že to je Vec
Tá ruka?
Nie, ten čo robí WRAP
Ooo, to nemôže byť on
RAP predsa nehrá žiadne rádio
Ale prečo?
Mne by sa to páčilo!
Áno, áno, aj mne by sa to páčilo…
Počul som, že je starý ako Čičmany
Jeho slová vedia liečiť ako Píšťany
Každú nedeľu prichádza z mesta Drážďany
To je hlboké východné Nemecko…
Nikto nevie kto je ten tajomný pán
Robí v noci, ale nie je taxikár
Miluje víno, neznáša marcipán
Máš iba pivo?
Tiež si dá…
Jedni vravia, že to je strašný čudák
Iní zas, že to je silný kuřák
Ja myslím, že to je prezlečený Miško Hudák
EM to the I to the eŠ Ká O
Patrik je jeho spolužiak zo starej školy
Sú kamaráti?
Neviem, kedysi ale boli
To už boli roky, roky, roky, roky, roky…
Kto je ten starý pán?
Na niekoho sa mi podobá
Nikoho nepotrebuje, robí sám
Robí celkom sám
Nikto netuší čo je zač
Kto je to ten Branči Kováč
Ten velikánsky nosáč
Je tu niekto kto to vie?
Vie tu niekto kto to je?
Je tu niekto kto to vie?
Vie tu niekto kto to je?
Prečo do nemoty opakuje
Bývam na bytoch, čo majú mini telky
A tak kupujem slovenskú hudbu, už som veľký
Svetovú pomenej, nie som až tak veľký
Viem spraviť song, pôjdeš si ho celý deň
Tento nie je až tak dobrý, takže celý nie
Alebo že by predsa?
Potom dobrý deň!
Cez víkendy hladím na svet cez pohár vína
Je zelenší, možno ho len ja tak vnímam
Je viac guľatý, je na ňom príma
Skáčem po frekvenciách jak Super Mario
Túto skladbu hrá máloktoré rádio
Keď to hrá, vedz, že to je dobré rádio
Kto je ten starý pán?
Na niekoho sa mi podobá
Nikoho nepotrebuje, robí sám
Robí celkom sám
Nikto netuší čo je zač
Kto je to ten Branči Kováč
Ten velikánsky nosáč
Je tu niekto kto to vie?
Vie tu niekto kto to je?
Je tu niekto kto to vie?
Vie tu niekto kto to je?
Prečo do nemoty opakuje
The essential question: Who is it?
Those who saw him said that it was the Thing
That hand?
No, the one who does WRAP
Ooo, it can't be him
RAP doesn't play any radio after all
But why?
I would love that!
Yes, yes, I would like that too…
I heard that he is as old as Čičmany
His words can heal like the people of Píšťany
It comes from the city of Dresden every Sunday
That's deep East Germany…
No one knows who the mysterious man is
He works at night, but he is not a taxi driver
Loves wine, hates marzipan
Do you only have beer?
You can also…
Some say he is a terrible freak
Others say that he is a heavy smoker
I think it's Miško Hudák in disguise
EM to the I to the eŠ Ká O
Patrik is his classmate from old school
are they friends
I don't know, but they used to be
It's been years, years, years, years, years...
Who is the old man?
He looks like someone to me
He doesn't need anyone, he does it himself
He does it all by himself
No one knows what it is
Who is Branči Kováč?
That giant carrier
Is there anyone here who knows?
Does anyone here know who this is?
Is there anyone here who knows?
Does anyone here know who this is?
Why does he keep repeating himself?
I live in apartments that have mini TVs
And so I buy Slovak music, I'm already big
Name the world, I'm not that big
I can make a song, you'll play it all day
This one isn't that good, so not all of it
Or should it?
Then good day!
On weekends, I watch the world through a glass of wine
It's greener, maybe it's just me that perceives it that way
It is more round, it is straight on it
I jump on frequencies like Super Mario
Not many radio stations play this song
When it plays, you know it's good radio
Who is the old man?
He looks like someone to me
He doesn't need anyone, he does it himself
He does it all by himself
No one knows what it is
Who is Branči Kováč?
That giant carrier
Is there anyone here who knows?
Does anyone here know who this is?
Is there anyone here who knows?
Does anyone here know who this is?
Why does he keep repeating himself?
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

Song tags: #Branci Kovac

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Other songs of the artist:

V igelitovej taške 2013
Spit Mode ft. VEC 2014
Z tvojí 1/4 ft. Rytmus, VEC, LA4 2006
Planéta ft. VEC, Vladimir 518 2014
Daj Im Zarobiť ft. Rest, VEC 2013
Nikdy nevies 2010
Funkcny veteran 2010
Keď Chytím Mikrofón ft. VEC 2003