Birds singing is not heard, the Grad fired behind the house.
The people came to a decision: there will be a Back City!
Under a grayish sky, where the governor is a reptile,
The builders are drunk, both old and young are in the ranks.
They drove piles into the ground and crookedly, out of place -
They tried, fools, to build a Back City.
The governor rejoices - he stole some money,
And the agitator writes: love the Back City!
The teenagers of the crowd were taken to the army by the military registration and enlistment office,
Nazi Germany scare everyone
Kids breathe glue, there is a stench from factories,
Dorms dotted, Winters City-back
Here in the summer trains take people to hell,
Signs along the streets: "We love Back City!"
Here the news was conveyed that the foreigner is a bastard
Dreams of destroying the great Back City.
Here every year there was a military parade according to the schedule,
Peace is not needed here in FIG, and the governor is happy.
Here the mayor in a beautiful place does not feel tense,
He is the candidate of all together united hard workers.
On the square for the masses, on the holiday of the country
The singer sings a beautiful refrain: "Ass - that's us!",
And the governor is happy, and the electorate is happy,
An agitator in action: let's build a Back City!
And we are almost at the goal, we are about to understand everything,
We will come to the back in a winding, special way ... |