My thoughts will not rust, the wind will blow music.
At that very moment, I will understand that I need to be kinder.
Vibrations will run faster along the ceiling.
The beat attacks like a T-34.
It's not a trifle for you to poke around in your pockets.
Thin threads of the vein ringing signals through the body.
You decided: it's not white - to do rap.
May it be so for you - hip-hop will not lose my faith.
I will miss this forest and these plants.
What apathy. |
I took the balloon and ran to the walls.
The sativa and indica shows are not for the faint of heart.
I go as I went, uphill: not the last and not the first.
My brothers are endowed with charisma.
The style is not "mortar in cotton wool" - the style is "vandalismo".
We lay down without adjusting to anyone.
Heaven knows evil, but blesses good.
One more time! |
I weave hundreds of words into a pattern.
Hip-hop is my path, my foundation, my craft.
You see someone's barrel looking through the peephole.
The soft sound of the bottom will bring zombies out of dreams.
So, what was he talking about ...
We are talking about the right things, we share seven common funds.
For your people, there is a place on bits.
Kilometers are not a problem, we do a fit with Lekha.
When all the guys are together, the microphone is set up, the sound is old school.
A tight club, a full hall will triple this effect.
Waves of hands, sparkle in the eyes of those who understood.
At this point, the mind loses power over the body.
The magic of beat and acapella.
My brother's voice brings me back.
Tankograd underground, how can you not get excited here.
When I see the sparkle in 14 eyes.
I am with both hands for you, brothers,
And in my opinion, my third layer proved it.
Here are those who are responsible for rap as for a bazaar.
Overcoming thousands of kilometers, minuses fly.
And these voices don't need effects.
And each of us wrote all the texts for himself.
No difference reserved seat or peregrine falcon,
TransAir or fuck knows AirLines.
When I get out onto the stage and see a full hall,
I agree to sausage for at least two hours.
When I change time zones
I am aware that everything happens for a reason.
While I'm in touch with such boys,
I will continue to move and be an eyesore to you. |