First couplet:
Who remained to protect this kingdom from the smoke by illusion,
As a result, they are worthless, rude voice, and actions according to the situation,
Hooked, will not let go to the bottom.
One road to failure, doubts
Don't change the essence, otherwise you will be raped.
Around the fog, hey, try to dispel,
I start the hurdy-gurdy and they flew.
In polyethylene or on a throne,
Our story has become iconic.
Soon, a product with a tonic will accelerate emotions,
And you forgot all the worst.
Second couplet:
Who is worth it to dig under the potion layer by layer,
Then the most appropriate products,
How hard is it to get a rare fruit,
So it is recommended to listen to it inflated,
Are you in hell or in heaven, our rap, like a black woman,
Raises to the heights of the devil's wheel.
How can you see the report clearly to the end,
And how our cold calculation will nip it in the bud,
A moment before the foolishness of a doctor is not needed,
It's just that the nonsense that was before this comes out of you.
Everything has become ancient, as before the boogie,
But here the subway is launched around concretely and in kind.
Third verse:
Let's smoke that after all the guns
Hitting the enemies, leveling them with the ground.
And having met the morning in a shout we will shout -
Who comes to us with a sword,
Stupid whore, oak will give in view of the fact
That Garunda has already taken off.
All around bail, and teasing each other,
Turns into rude abuse, so the ruins fell to the grandchildren,
As if someone shrouded the mystery of the ancient letters of points.
Which some gingerbread left us a sculptor,
We will glue the whole world constructor at the junctions of actions,
Infa has been available for a long time, but the wheels of reason are slipping on the ground and there will be no spurt,
For the eighth day I crawl on wind and strings to stir up old school. |