Lyrics of De La a a La Z - Alex Zurdo

De La a a La Z - Alex Zurdo
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song De La a a La Z, artist - Alex Zurdo.
Date of issue: 31.07.2014
Song language: Spanish

De La a a La Z

La vida que Yo llevo hoy
Me hizo ser quien soy
Tu tambien puedes llevarla
Al instante la condicion
Y tomar la decision
Orgulloso estoy de mi nueva naturaleza
Camino pa’l frente y por nada bajo la cabeza
No le temo al intelecto contrario de mucha gente
Y si por mi fuera escribiría CRISTO en mi frente
Pero esta en el corazón
Y en realidad eso es lo que importa
Tengo plenitud la que no puede darme la torta
Tengo paz y camino relax en la faz de la tierra
Quizás muchos me critiquen pero a nadie le doy guerra
Estoy frente en el silencio cuando alquien me ofende
Pero tenga en cuenta que DIOS mismo es quien me defiende
Y por ende
Seguiré diciendo que Él es la salida
Seguiré dandole gracias ante un plato de comida
Y ante algua enfermedad que necesite intervención
La medicina es buena pero mas buena es la oración
Ando con la Biblia en mano predicandole a los mios
Y no me averguenza ser el cristiano del caserío
Que no escondo la cabeza como lo hace el avestruz
Al contrario todos sabrán quien fué el que murio en la Cruz
Que se entere el mundo entero cuál es mi nueva faceta
Que soy un Cristiano transformado «De la 'A' a la 'Z' "
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) (De-de) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Transformado por eso pienso y hablo diferente
Soy la resistencia que se ve encontra de la corriente, valiente
Y no porque me guste andar con tortas
Es porque DIOS es mi escolta
Y los demonios no soportan
Que interprete
La vida que llevan con su fulete
La luz es tan fuerte
Que los agarramos sin marvete
Y Después del contenido que saldrá de la elta 12
No querrán ser los mejores, le darán la gloria a DIOS
Así es que brega
Que se note en tu vida la entrega
No es decir que eres y con los hechos a DIOS lo niegas, colega
No es imitar aquello que esta al palo
Es seguir diciendo Amén en los sitios que se hable malo
Que sientan el poder de la verdad que Tú transmites
Que vean que eres real y que sean ellos los que imiten
La vida de JESÚS que está repleta
De Bendiciones que los cambian «De la 'A' a la 'Z' "
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) (De-de) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Cuando hablo de transformación es algo reelevante
Y es que ya no eres el mismo desecharon el de antes
Que con las cosas del mundo no andas entretenido
Que Tú buscas lo de DIOS y que en Él estás definido
Y decidido
Que en el pecado no andas sumergido
Que eres selectivo con lo que escuchan tus dos oidos
Que la moda ya no es el factor que tu vida establece
Sino su palabra que no pasa porque permanece
Para siempre
Que eres real de enero a diciembre
Y que no permites que lo negativo en ti se siembre
Que no andas en dos aguas porque te cantas pelao
Porque plenamente sabes en quien Tú has confiao
Que trabajas para DIOS y en el tu vida esta completa
Que no necesitas ser un cristiano de la secreta
Sino que has permanecido o importando la ocación
Y eso se llama transformación
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Que no me importa la torta ni el blin-blin
En mi vida gobierna y manda el King
Ya no vivo de forma incompleta
Yo fui transformado
(¿Cómo?) (De-de) De la 'A' a la 'Z'
Somos los que levantamos manos
Los que nos arrodillamos
Y no nos avergonzamos
«De la 'A' a la 'Z' »
The life that I lead today
made me who i am
You can also take it
Instantly the condition
and make the decision
I am proud of my new nature
I walk to the front and for nothing I lower my head
I am not afraid of the contrary intellect of many people
And if it were me I would write CHRIST on my forehead
But it's in the heart
And actually that's what matters
I have fullness that can not give me the cake
I have peace and I relax on the face of the earth
Perhaps many criticize me but I don't give a war to anyone
I am facing in the silence when someone offends me
But keep in mind that GOD himself is the one who defends me
And hence
I'll keep saying He's the way out
I will continue to thank him over a plate of food
And before any disease that needs intervention
Medicine is good but better is prayer
I walk with the Bible in hand preaching to my people
And I'm not ashamed to be the Christian of the village
That I don't hide my head like the ostrich does
On the contrary, everyone will know who was the one who died on the Cross
Let the whole world know what my new facet is
That I am a transformed Christian «From 'A' to 'Z' "
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) From 'A' to 'Z'
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) (From-from) From 'A' to 'Z'
Transformed by it I think and speak differently
I am the resistance that meets the current, brave
And not because I like to walk with cakes
It is because GOD is my escort
And the demons can't stand
what interpret
The life they lead with their fulete
the light is so strong
That we grab them without marvete
And after the content that will come out of elta 12
They will not want to be the best, they will give glory to GOD
That's how it works
Let the dedication be noticed in your life
It is not to say that you are and with the facts you deny GOD, colleague
It is not imitating what is on the stick
It is to continue saying Amen in the places that are spoken badly
Let them feel the power of the truth that You transmit
Let them see that you are real and let them be the ones to imitate
The life of JESUS ​​that is full
From Blessings That Change Them "From 'A' to 'Z'"
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) From 'A' to 'Z'
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) (From-from) From 'A' to 'Z'
When I talk about transformation it is something relevant
And it is that you are no longer the same, they discarded the one from before
That with the things of the world you are not entertained
That you seek what is from GOD and that in Him you are defined
and decided
That you are not submerged in sin
That you are selective with what your two ears hear
That fashion is no longer the factor that your life establishes
But his word that does not pass because it remains
That you are real from January to December
And that you do not allow the negative in you to be sown
That you don't walk in two waters because you sing pelao
Because you fully know in whom you have trusted
That you work for GOD and in him your life is complete
That you don't need to be a secret christian
But you have remained or mattering the occasion
And that's called transformation
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) From 'A' to 'Z'
That I don't care about the cake or the blin-blin
In my life the King rules and commands
I no longer live incompletely
I was transformed
(How?) (From-from) From 'A' to 'Z'
We are the ones who raise hands
Those of us who kneel
And we're not ashamed
"From a to Z' "
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Other songs of the artist:

No Cuenten Conmigo 2020
Te Busco 2016
Que Espere 2014
No Soy Yo (feat. Redimi2) ft. Redimi2 2014
Todo Te Lo Doy (feat. Christine D'clario) ft. Christine D'Clario 2014
Yo Creo (feat. Samuel Hernández) ft. Samuel Hernández 2014
Te Amo 2014
La Envídia 2012
El Perdón 2012
Mañana Es Hoy 2012
Hablame De Jesús 2012
Nadie Como Tú 2012
Donde Estás? 2012
What U Gonna Do? 2012
Presión De Grupo 2012
Si No Hay Amor (feat. Vanessa Vissepó) ft. Vanessa Vissepó 2012
Dejate Brillar ft. Alex Zurdo, Redimi2 2016
Trastornadores ft. Rubinsky, Villanova, Alex Zurdo 2014
Yo Creo ft. Samuel Hernández 2016
Justo Juez ft. Alex Zurdo 2022

Artist lyrics: Alex Zurdo