Must live ...
It should taste bitter and sweet
You have to understand that life is new every day
Sometimes it's funny
Sometimes you have to cry ...
Must live ...
Occasionally rain should soak the city
Sometimes you have to stay away from loved ones
Burning candles in a cold world
Must be able to ... Live ...
He will still have a smile on his face
The first spring flowers will still open
The sun will one day rise for you yet ...
The blower withstands heavy blows
There was no need for pliers to press, bookmarks to play ...
Loneliness is strong, it is as mysterious as the thinking of the world.
The plot was dirty like the arrogance of everyone who left ...
You are me, I am you, if you breathe at night ...
You are you you are you ...
If you are
Spit on everyone! |
Reject it!
Let's shout after me ...
When someone looks like a pig's head in a blanket, let's call ...
Saying that there is no sound from one hand, one hand clings to life ...
What's wrong with a dog that can pass face-control, well ?!
I shouted so that those who were asleep would wake up when I woke up
I was standing behind him talking behind my back ...
Rest assured ...
When the sea rushes against the rocks
When the skies are full and lightning strikes
The last day of hope remains in this world
... there is last hope in this world
Believe me, you are neither the first nor the last person in pain
That's life, even if you're tired, keep going
If he has a heart attack without stopping
| not decorate to live ...
Must live ... |