Lyrics of Eine Kugel reicht - Bushido

Eine Kugel reicht - Bushido
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Eine Kugel reicht, artist - Bushido.
Date of issue: 21.10.2021
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Deutsch

Eine Kugel reicht

Jetzt ist wieder Zeit fürs Geschäft ich lauf die Straße hoch zum Block
ich hab heute kein Bock zu rappen und Kopfschmerzen vom Smog
Noch nichts gegessen und den Kragen hoch weils doch schon kalt ist
laufen fällt schwer wenn der Wind weht und du alt wirst
Ich guck zum Horizont und sehe meine Skyline
heute ist mein Tag und kein anderer wird mit dabei sein
Ich bin relaxt in zwei Stunden mach ich den Deal
Nach drei lines Koks mach ich mich auf zu meinem Ziel
Ich bin drauf und meine Hönde fang an zu schwitzen
die U-Bahn ist voller Leute ich kann nicht mehr still sitzen
ich muss raus
jetzt sind es vielleicht noch hundert Meter
ich kann jetzt nicht mehr zurück die vierte Line leg ich mir später
Ich steh unten vor der Tür mein Finger liegt auf der Klingel
das Blut rauscht mit im Ohr der Blick geht hoch zum Himmel
die Tür geht auf, mit einem Fuß steh ich im Haus
den Zahnstocher im Mund lauf ich langsam die Treppe rauf
Ich bin viel zu drauf mein ganzer Nasenraum ist taub
ich hör mir selber noch sagen beim letzten Raub jetzt hör ich auf
drauf geschissen ich brauchs noch dreizehn Stufen bis nach oben
gleich tausch ich meine Patrone gegen Geld und seine Drogen
Denn eine Kugel reicht damit du merkst wie hart Beton ist
komm vom Fenster weg weil es hier drausen nichts um sonst gibt
bist du schneller als der Abzug bevor ich ihn drücke
du kannst rennen doch du weist das ich dich finde und ficke x2
Ich setzt mich auf die Couch und sag «Du hast nen guten Geschmack»
Ich lächel doch ich denk mir «Heute bist du fällig du Spast»
Er macht die Playstation an also nehm ich mir das Pad
wir spielen Tekken ich guck nicht hin und box in trotzdem weg
er macht den Fernseher aus, wir gehen rüber zum Tisch
langsam wirds spannend ich krieg ein Zucken in meinem Gesicht
bevor er fragt was ich will legt er uns erstmal ne Line
ich guck nach unten und denk mir «Scheisse wie drauf kann man sein?»
Egal ich sag jetzt nicht nein Augen zu und weg damit
Er guckt mich an und fragt mich endlich wie viel Koka ich krieg
«Gib mir so viel wie du hast"Was ihm bestimmt nicht gefällt
«Gib mir alle deine Trips, die Pillen und bitte dein Geld!»
Er denkt ich will ihn verarschen und lächelt schwul vor sich hin
ich zieh die Knarre und schlag auf ihn ein so drauf wie ich bin
Mir ist egal wer er ist, mir ist egal was passiert
die Straße macht das man heute gewinnt und morgen verliert
Jeder macht das was er muss und geht und kommt nicht zurück
er hat getan was er wollte und hatte heute kein Glück
denn eine Kugel reicht
Es wird sich zeigen wer von uns beiden am Ende stehen bleibt
du willst besser als ich rappen geh und kauf dir zehn mics du hast
nicht ein Reim du Spast bist jetzt mein Feind
du hast nichts weil Mr. Cordon mit keinem von euch teilt.
Now it’s time for business again and I walk up the street to my area
I don’t like to rap today and I have a head ache from the smog
Haven’t eaten anything yet and my collar’s up because it’s already cold
Walking is hard when the wind blows and you become old
I watch the horizon and see my skyline
Today is my day and no one else will be with me
I’m relaxed, I’m going to the fix the deal in two hours
After three lines of cocaine I head for my aim
I’m drugged and my hands start to sweat
The subway is full of people, I can’t sit calmly anymore
I have to get out
Now it’s only a couple of meters more to go
I can’t go back now anymore, I’ll consume the fourth line later
I face the door down at the street, my fingers lingering on the bell
The blood rushes in my ears, I look towards the sky
The door pens, I’m in the house with one foot
The toothpick in my mouth, I slowly start to climbe the stairs
I’m much too drugged, my nose feels numb
I can still hear myself say after the last robbery that I’ll stop now
Don’t care for it now anymore,
I need thirteen more steps to reach my aim
In a minute I’ll exchange my bullet for money and his drugs
Because one bullet is not enough for you to realize how hard concrete is Leave your place at the window since nothing out there is for free
Are you faster with pulling the trigger than I am You can run but you know that I find and f*ck you
I sit down on the couch and say «You have a good taste»
I smile but I think «Today your time has come, you idiot»
He puts the playstation on, so I take a gamepad
We play Tekken, I don’t really participate but still win
He put the TV out, we go over to the table
Slowly it’s getting exciting, there’s twitch in my face
Before he asks me what I want, he prepares a line for us I look down and think «D*mn, how addicted can one be?»
Doesn’t matter, I won’t say no now, close my eyes and take it He looks at me and finally asks me how much of the cocain I want
«Give me as much as you have», what he surely won’t like
«Give me all you trips, your pills and your money, please!»
He thinks I want to fool him and just smiles
I pull out my weapon and start to beat him
I don’t care for who he is or what happens
The street makes you win one day and loose on the other
Everyone does what he has to do and leaves and does not come back
He has done what he wanted and today he had no luck
Because one bullet is enough
It’ll show who of us will still be alive in the end
You want to rap better than I do, go and buy then mics, you have
No clue, you idio, you’re my enemy now
You own nothing since Mr. Cordon does not share with any of you.
Now it's back to business I walk up the street to the block
I'm not in the mood to rap today and I have a headache from the smog
Haven't eaten anything yet and put your collar up because it's already cold
it's hard to walk when the wind is blowing and you're getting old
I look to the horizon and see my skyline
today is my day and no one else will be with me
I'm relaxed I'll make the deal in two hours
After three lines of coke, I set off for my destination
I'm on it and my hands are starting to sweat
the subway is full of people I can't sit still anymore
I need to get out
now it's maybe a hundred meters away
I can't go back now, I'll lay the fourth line later
I'm standing in front of the door, my finger is on the bell
the blood rushes in the ear, the gaze goes up to the sky
the door opens, I stand with one foot in the house
I walk slowly up the stairs with the toothpick in my mouth
I'm way too excited my whole nasal cavity is numb
I can still hear myself saying during the last robbery now I'll stop
Fuck it, I need thirteen more steps to the top
I'm about to trade my cartridge for money and his drugs
Because one ball is enough to make you realize how hard concrete is
get away from the window because there is nothing out here for free
you're faster than the trigger before I pull it
you can run but you know that i will find you and fuck you x2
I sit on the couch and say "You have good taste"
I smile but I think "You're due today you spat"
He turns on the Playstation so I take the pad
We play Tekken I don't look and still box away
he turns off the TV, we go over to the table
It's getting exciting, I get a twitch in my face
before he asks what I want, he lays a line for us
I look down and I'm like, "What the hell can you be like?"
It doesn't matter, I won't say no now and away with it
He looks at me and finally asks me how much coca I get
"Give me as much as you have" Which I'm sure he won't like
«Give me all your trips, the pills and your money, please!»
He thinks I'm kidding him and smiles gayly to himself
I pull out the gun and hit him the way I am
I don't care who he is, I don't care what happens
the street makes you win today and lose tomorrow
Everyone does what he has to and leaves and doesn't come back
he did what he wanted and had no luck today
because one ball is enough
It remains to be seen which of us will stand at the end
you want to rap better than me go and buy ten mics you have
not a rhyme you spat are my enemy now
you have nothing because Mr. Cordon doesn't share with any of you.
Now it's time for business again and I walk up the street to my area
I don't like to rap today and I have a head ache from the smog
Haven't eaten anything yet and my collar's up because it's already cold
Walking is hard when the wind blows and you become old
I watch the horizon and see my skyline
Today is my day and no one else will be with me
I'm relaxed, I'm going to fix the deal in two hours
After three lines of cocaine I head for my aim
I'm drugged and my hands start to sweat
The subway is full of people, I can't sit calmly anymore
I have to get out
Now it's only a couple of meters more to go
I can't go back anymore, I'll consume the fourth line later
I face the door down at the street, my fingers lingering on the bell
The blood rushes in my ears, I look towards the sky
The door pens, I'm in the house with one foot
The toothpick in my mouth, I slowly start to climb the stairs
I'm much too drugged, my nose feels numb
I can still hear myself say after the last robbery that I'll stop now
Don't care for it now anymore,
I need thirteen more steps to reach my aim
In a minute I'll exchange my bullet for money and his drugs
Because one bullet is not enough for you to realize how hard concrete is Leave your place at the window since nothing out there is for free
Are you faster with pulling the trigger than I am You can run but you know that I find and f*ck you
I sit down on the couch and say «You have a good taste»
I smile but I think «Today your time has come, you idiot»
He puts the playstation on, so I take a gamepad
We play Tekken, I don't really participate but still win
He put the TV out, we go over to the table
Slowly it's getting exciting, there's twitch in my face
Before he asks me what I want, he prepares a line for us I look down and think «D*mn, how addicted can one be?»
Doesn't matter, I won't say no now, close my eyes and take it He looks at me and finally asks me how much of the cocain I want
«Give me as much as you have», which he sure won't like
«Give me all you trips, your pills and your money, please!»
He thinks I want to fool him and just smiles
I pull out my weapon and start to beat him
I don't care for who he is or what happens
The street makes you win one day and lose on the other
Everyone does what he has to do and leaves and does not come back
He has done what he wanted and today he had no luck
Because one bullet is enough
It'll show who of us will still be alive in the end
You want to rap better than I do, go and buy then mics, you have
No clue, you idiot, you're my enemy now
You own nothing since Mr. Cordon does not share with any of you.
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Other songs of the artist:

Narben 2021
90er Berlin 2021
Sonny und die Gang 2015
Kommt Zeit kommt Rat 2015
Geschlossene Gesellschaft 2017
Buttplug 2021
Alles wird gut 2010
Eure Kinder ft. Bushido 2007
Für immer jung ft. Karel Gott 2008
Cocaine Cowboys 2021
Ronin ft. Animus 2019
Gangster Rap Titan 2013
John Wayne 2014
Mein Leben lang ft. Chakuza 2005
Wärst du immer noch hier? 2011
Back to the Roots 2021
Kleine Bushidos 2013
H.M.P.2 ft. Animus, Saad 2021
Es tut mir so leid 2010
Sodom und Gomorrha 2017

Artist lyrics: Bushido