Date of issue: 09.01.2011
Age restrictions: 18+
Record label: Comedy Partners
Cell Phones And Flying |
And I went to England. I spent a month there. I liked England. Everything’s different. I mean, |
that’s obvious, But some of The differences were cool. I like the money, The money- Instead of a |
dollar bill They have the pound coin. And it’s a coin and You throw it on the counter. It felt kind |
of cool. Like the old west. Like going on the-you know, Being on the dusty trail. You see a saloon, |
so you walk Over to it with your horse. You throw the rope Vaguely at the pole outside. That |
thing they do. It’s my whole life On that horse. Should be fine. Just… Walk in the saloon. “Give |
me a beer, The bottle of whiskey, “And a room for a week, “Steak dinner, shave And a haircut and |
a bath, “And some new clothes And a hat and some boots, And some oats for my horse, And a |
woman. ” Here you go. Ping. That’s all. One heavy coin. You’re fine. Nobody adds up all those |
things You mentioned. They don’t check To see what coin it was. The guy just keeps Drying the |
glass. Things were very vague Back then. Things just cost money. “Hey, how much is that?” |
“Money.” In the old english movies, It was different. It was a little sack of coins. Remember that |
little Drawstring sack Tossed over By some faggy lord With a ruffled shirt. Throw it disdainfully |
down To some commoner Who’s gonna do something Beneath his station. “Follow the girl and |
report Back to me at midnight. “Bring a shovel and a sack “And two reliable men Such as |
yourselves. “Oh, what’s that? Oh, yes, of course. Well, This ought to be sufficient. ” Meh, just- |
shink. “Oh, thank you, sir. ” The guy’s so happy To get a general amount of some kind of currency |
or another. He didn’t, like, count it. Like, “I think you only gave me Enough for the shovel. There’s |
not enough there. “ |
That was a good time In our economy, When you needed to have gold To buy shit. We might be |
going back to that Pretty soon too. Things are pretty fucked up. People are a little bit scared. But |
you know what? How bad could it really get? I mean, most Americans Have so much crap You |
could lose most of it And still be- Have more shit Than the average Canadian, Even. Like, we’re |
the fattest People in the world, And we just have All this shit, And we hate it. We’re just |
miserable With our phones. “Fucking… ” Just angry all the time. And I worry about The economy |
failing, Because we don’t- We can’t even- We’re miserable With a great life. Like, I don’t know |
How the fuck We’re gonna deal with, like, When you got to move your mom Into the cellar and |
shit And, like, have, like, Serious problems. Because we have, like- Up till now, We have white- |
We have white people problems In America, That’s what we have. White people problems. You |
know what that is? That’s where your life Is amazing, So you just make shit up To be upset about. |
People in other countries Have real problems. Like, “oh, shit, They’re cutting off All our heads |
today. ” Things like that. Here we make shit up To be upset about. “Like, how come I have to |
choose A language on the ATM machine? It’s bullshit. ” “I shouldn’t have to do that. I’m |
American. ” God, the shit We bitch about. I called American Airlines, And I got a xstani lady. And |
she was in Pakistan. Only people near my fat, White body should have jobs. I’ll tell you what, |
though. When I call American Airlines And I get the Pakistani lady, I hang up and I call again. I do. |
I’m gonna tell you honestly. And it’s not because I don’t like her, And it’s not because She doesn’t |
speak English, ‘Cause she speaks Way better than I do. She’s just a better person. It’s so clear. |
And I know-here’s why I don’t like talking to her. ‘Cause I know she doesn’t Give a shit About me |
and My white people problems. I want to talk To the lady from Texas, Who’s- “Well, how can I |
help you?” That’s the lady I want. I just know when I- “Hello, American-” “Oh, fuck. You don’t care. ” There’s no way. Why would you? I’m in my underwear. “Hi, I have a layover In Dallas that’s |
really long, And I was wondering if-” And she’s like, “Oh, really? “I haven’t had a clean glass of |
water in ten years, okay? “Two of my kids Died this morning. “I still came to work, You fat shit. “I |
can hear your fat Over the phone. Why don’t you hang up And kill yourself?” Why would she |
care? But we just-God. Standing at the ATM. “I can’t believe They make me go like this. Stupid.” |
What the fuck Are you complaining about? You push a button and money Comes out a fucking |
slot. It didn’t used to be that way. When I was younger, You had to go in the bank. Remember |
that? You had to go inside the bank. Now you look in the bank, You’re like, “what are those |
People doing in there? Are they cleaning? The money’s out here.” |
It’s amazing how different shit is now, And it hasn’t been this way For a long time. It’s been a |
very short time. Everybody has a phone in their pocket. It didn’t used to be You had a phone- |
Just a few years ago, Nobody had their phone. It was just the phone. It was this thing, the phone, |
That was in a room In your house. And then you had to dial This fucking thing. There was a rotor, |
And you had to turn it And go- You actually hated people With zeros in their numbers, ‘Cause |
they made you do- Well, this guy’s got A zero and a nine. How badly do I want to talk To that |
piece of shit? That’s too much work. Now we have this, Which is amazing. We have these phones |
that you Can call in an air strike. You can look at the top of your own head. It’s amazing, this shit, |
And it’s wasted On the shittiest generation of piece of shit assholes That ever fucking lived. I |
swear to God. We are. We’re the worst people so far. Because we have This beautiful thing, And |
we hate it. We’re just- “Fucking thing. ” I don’t- Never saw a person going, “Look at what my |
phone can do. ” Nobody does that. They all go- “Fucking thing, it sucks. I can’t get it to-” Give it a |
second, Would you? Could you give it a second? It’s going to space. Can you give it a second To |
get back from space? Is the speed of light Too slow for you? You non-contributing, Product |
sponge cunt? Can you just wait? Can you just take A little breath? Just wait for that picture of Axl |
Rose to get on your phone. Like it even fucking mattered What you were doing. Like it was even |
important. We’re all just so mad. “I hate my phone. It sucks!” No, it doesn’t. It’s amazing. The |
shittiest cell phone In the world Is a miracle. Your life sucks Around the phone. Why are you so |
mad at it? People say The craziest shit. “I-I hate Verizon. ” What are you talking about? How can |
that feeling exist? “I hate Verizon!” “Why? Did they fire you And take away your pension?” “No, |
it just-couple of times It was weird for a second. ” “I hate them!” Hate Verizon. Well, make your |
own, then. You go make one. Make your own network. Get some hubcaps And climb some trees. |
See how close Yours is to perfect. Why would it be perfect? Really, It’s as good as it is. Why do |
we expect it To be fucking perfect All the fucking time? We’re not contributing. We’re not |
helping it be perfect. We don’t even know what- What is involved. Do you have any idea What is |
involved In taking your thing That you said That nobody needs To ever hear ever, When you go- |
“Hey, what’s up, dude. ” And a little, invisible, Magic angel takes it, and- God damn it. Ho-“when |
did you Send me that text?” If I sent it to you A month ago, it’s amazing. Whenever it gets to you, |
It’s amazing. Whenever it gets to you In your chosen fucking font. It’s incredible. |
I don’t know. I’m not that old. I’m 41 But I’m still amazed At the shit in my life. I’m amazed at the |
shit In the world. I was on a plane once, Like about a month ago, And they had high-speed, Wireless internet on the plane, And they had never Done that before. They explained to us That |
we were, like, One of the first aircraft. And I opened up my laptop, And I’m online. I’m looking At |
youtube and shit While we’re flying. And then it broke down. And the woman says, “I’m sorry, |
But we have to fix the internet, So it’s down For the rest of the flight. ” The guy next to me goes, |
“It’s fucking bullshit. ” I’m, like, “dude, how does The world owe you something You didn’t even |
know existed 30 seconds ago?” People on planes Are the worst. People on planes, They |
complain. They get off the plane, They come to your house, And they tell you about Your whole |
flight experience. And they make it sound Like it was fucking a- A cattle car In Poland in the ’40s. |
They just make it- “That was the worst Day of my life. “I had to sit on the runway For 40 minutes. |
” That’s a story In this country. That’s a fucking hardship, That you had to sit On the runway. |
People will listen To that story. They’ll stop doing the dishes And turn around and go, “Oh, my |
God, really? For 40 minutes? That’s awful. You should sue them.” “I had to sit on the runway For |
40 minutes.” Oh, my God, really? What happened then? Did you fly through the air Like a bird? |
Incredibly? Did you soar Into the clouds impossibly? Did you partake In the miracle of human |
flight? And then land softly On giant tires That you couldn’t Even conceive How they fucking Put |
air in them? How dare you. Bitching about flying. “I had to pay For my sandwich.” You’re flying! |
You’re sitting in a chair In the sky. You’re like a Greek myth Right now. “But it doesn’t Go back |
very far, And it’s sort of Squishing my knees.” The Wright Brothers would kick us all right in the |
cunt If they knew. If-if you could go back In time to Orville Wright And go, “hey, dude, I had to sit |
On the runway for 40 minutes. ” And he’d be like, “Oh, shit, Well, let’s Not even bother, then.” |
“Hey, Wendell, shut it down. “They make you wait for a bit. That hardly seems worth it.” There’s |
always delays. That’s what everybody Complains about. There’s always delays When I fly. Really? |
Delays. It’s too slow. Air travel’s too slow. New York to California In six hours. That used to take |
30 years, To do that, And a bunch of you would die On the way there. You’d get shot in the neck |
With an arrow and you’d go- And fall down. And the other passengers Would just bury you And |
put a stick there with your Hat on it and keep walking. And one of ’em Would fuck your wife And |
have three babies. And all the old people Would die. You’d be a whole different Group of people |
By the time You got to California. Now you watch An Adam Sandler movie And you take a big, |
runny dump And you’re there. |
I was, uh, I was flying About a week ago, And, uh, I was in the airport, And I saw this really old |
man, And he’s on- He’s on a wheelchair. I can fucking hear That shit, So back the fuck off. I can |
hear It in your headsets. Just careful. Or turn them down. Sorry to fuck up The entire show for |
that, But I could hear- “Get closer to him. “No, it’s okay, it’s fine. Get closer to him. He won’t |
mind.” All right. Wait a second. Okay, uh, This about where I was? Okay. That’s right. I was on a- I |
was in the, um… I was in the airport. Ugh… Tot-just drenched right now. Totally drenched. It’s like |
I peed. It’s crazy. Okay, so I’m in the airport, And I’m going through security, And they bring this |
old man In a wheelchair, And he was… Crazy old. I mean, he was the oldest thing I’ve ever seen. |
I’ve been To museums and shit. This dude… I didn’t know There had been as much time As this |
guy was old. I mean, He was at least forever. He was at least that old. Just tiny, Little Nosferatu |
hands And eggy head. Just one of those… So frail. It was like Just the atmosphere Was crushing |
him Into a diamond. Just… And they’re Pushing him through, And I’m not the only per- Like, He was parting the people, ‘Cause people were going, “What the fuck? That’s crazy. He’s really old!” |
And they take him Through security, And, you know, If you’re really old Or you’re in a wheelchair, |
You can’t go through The metal detector If you’re in a wheelchair, So they take you To secondary |
clearance, Which is far more stringent. Like, the oldest and feeblest People get the highest |
scrutiny. So they take him over there, And he’s-I mean, he doesn’t Even look good for infinity. |
He’s not even like, a- He’s, like- Got a whole thing going. And they take him over, And they start |
checking him For weapons. Like, thor-like, What do you got there, huh? Like, checking him. And |
they lift him- I swear to God, They picked him up Gently out of the wheelchair By the shoulders, |
And he’s standing between These two guys like this, And they’re going- And I’m like, “really? Is |
that the guy, fellas? “You think that’s the guy? Do you want to maybe Let him go?” Let him enjoy |
the last Ten seconds of his life Doing something else. What-what is he gonna- Even if he pulled it |
off, He deserves whatever he wanted, Really. What is he gonna do? Even if he had a grenade- Let |
him keep it. And I know what they’d say. They’d be like, “well, Where do you draw the line?” He- |
this is the line. This guy right here, He’s the actual line. It’s very clear. |
There’s always somebody going Through security who’s like, “I don’t want To take off my shoes. |
“Stupid. I’m not a terrorist.” Oh, that’s right. We only make Terrorists do that. I’m sorry. That’s |
what we sound like now. Just the whole country. We’re like Fat eighth graders. All of us. Just- Not |
fair. |
Name | Year |
Let's Talk Some Shit | 2021 |
Hot Girls In Bars And Their Dude Counterparts | 2011 |
Being Single Again | 2011 |
The Way We Talk (Hilarious) | 2011 |
Other People's Kids | 2011 |
Intro / Dead People | 2011 |
Currency | 2011 |
Dumb Thoughts | 2011 |
My 3-Year-Old Is A 3-Year-Old | 2011 |
My 7-Year-Old Is Better Than Me | 2011 |
Taking Sexual Inventory | 2011 |