Dances beat boards with heels
Flickering masks boil in wax
In the human army, these are the most passionate
And black as hell eyes, eyes, eyes
Strings, exposed muscles, ligaments
Burnt, kissed by moonlight caresses
Future, current, ex-wives
Enchanted, lush
Dances beat boards with heels
Hard inexorably sharp, but viscous dance
From the outside, it smells of drunken rams, in part,
But inside - a concentrate of happiness!
Blood rouge rises to the faces
Windows fog up, male muscles are predatory
In thoughts deep lunges tear dresses
Getting breasts bulging
Close pairs of army officers
Enchanted with local ladies
Folk do-re-mi sharps, becars
Chimes with beats are ruled by guitars
And these couples are condemned by local customs
Incest is condemned by the laws of the camp
Customs are kept by powerful old people,
But not often used, as a rule
Dances beat boards with heels
Cavalier in uniform struck a biting glance
Enemy look, heavy, reproachfully
Hamsky, waiting for the oncoming gaze!
The music plays for an encore, the dancers echo it
Soon the glances were found and turned into a quarrel
Around the fun goes uphill, and then
At the very time the music stopped for five minutes
Cavalier sees the embarrassment of his beauty
He asks for forgiveness, he promises to return
And heads away from the festival
From pandemonium, to where the shadows thickened
"You have a reason, mister bully
Almost to the holes with a look to burn uniforms
And look at the lady without ceremony
How is it in the male colony?” |
The answer followed:
"Bad you found a place to whisper in your ear
My friend's sister, my fiancee
If this girl was for your fun
Then you are wrong, I need to tame your temper.
The young hero of two military campaigns is a brave guy
Against him the indomitable spirit of the local
Paired with ardent and daring
He is either a gypsy, or a Romanian, or a Moldavian
They clenched their fists, bared their blades
Waited a second, threatening with steel
And quick jerks with lunges began to sting
Sparks from sharpened ribbed edges
Strokes on the exhale in a steel clang
Splashes of red paint on the lunar disk
One in the clothes of a commoner leads a duel
With the second - with sideburns in dress uniform
"Well, what are you, an army mug, pulling the reins
You must die for the lady and for the honor!”
And the second has already let go
Tomorrow he needs to lead detachments on the offensive
And he gritted his teeth and endured the offense with the thought
That he has no right to risk his life like that
Said he would die if needed
But not because of someone's jealousy, and removed the weapon
In the coming offensive, he fought heroically
The girl danced that evening with anyone!
So now the jealous man has a rod instead of a saber
Dances beat boards with heels |