And this song is also about love...
Love, candles, meetings, evening ...
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... ("My friends!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (All together!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (This evening is for you!)
Oh, how hard it was for me and my wife
These tickets are in a frenzied queue.
The veil on the sublime stage still breathes silence
And the light splashes in our faces.
Here it is - the moment of truth, pure as an aura,
I meet a famous artist with a bang.
He sings about love, about sincere feelings,
His words are magical - sparks in them!
Close to me is his beautiful ear of ears,
Gently so with the music he managed to braid,
A singer in a chic dress sings along with him.
Eyewitnesses spellbound in their embrace.
And how this magic of dance will captivate!
How he smiles! |
What grace!
And here he bows and says cordially:
"I love you all!" |
- and sends an air kiss.
Love, candles, meetings, evening... ("I don't see your hands!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening... (I don't see your eyes!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (Clap, sing!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (The words of the song are simple! Repeat them after me!)
From dawn to dawn I gave love!
You open the doors! |
"Goodbye" don't say!
Don't be silent about love all night long!
In the soul, ice will melt from the flame of a candle!
You will open your doors for me - I believe!
"Give me back my loss - I'll warm you with a dream!" |
(“Warm with a dream!”)
Soared in the clouds, gave love.
The candle was blazing. "Let's start over!"
I'm knocking on your door! |
Save love!
I whisper words of love like a drop of rain!
“Accept love as a gift, keep the candle fire,
Understand: we will fly on the wings of love!
On the wings of Love!"
Love, candles, meetings, evening ...
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... ("Let love settle in our hearts!")
How infuriates him all this nonsense of his own songs
All of it is filled with malice about love and a candle.
Right on the stage in the process, however,
He aired a kiss and continued singing.
“What the fuck! |
I look like something in between
Between the prince and emptying?
Faces from the crowd, you fools! |
After all, the songs are stupid.
However, he portrayed love with all his might.
Then the vocal broke in an awkward pause,
The hall applauded, for some reason everyone stood up ...
The singer stared at them like they were zombies
And completely calmed down... How angry he was!
The roar of applause stretched even more
All the absurdity of the moment and all its magic...
He only thought to tell them vulgar nonsense,
But it was very helpful: "I love you all!"
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... ("My dear, beloved ...)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (I love you all!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (Let's sing together! All together!)
Love, candles, meetings, evening ... (Today the stars lit up for us, for those who love
hearts!") |