“Perhaps this is a trap.
- And there is. |
What do we do?
- Let's break through!
There are normal types, there are *way guys.
Minor notes lay on guitar strings.
In short, everything is clear, everything is elementary.
The ship is sinking, the bolts are on the phone.
Plus, the most needed number was lost.
You say that you are not in the subject, like you are not in the share.
That those types fooled you, but you didn't understand.
From now on, you will be aware, in fact, the step is sticky.
Someone dries crackers, someone eats olives.
Here, even for gray credit cards.
Listen, don't stick your nose out of the gate.
Braza, debts are growing like metostases.
Skyscrapers are collapsing, the frame is cracking.
The factories are smoking, the merchants are withdrawing cash;
And someone presses with a mass on a pissed mattress.
And either we will put them - or we will be put against the wall;
Diluted with bright red gray shades.
Snot in prohibitions brother, but do not forget at the same time.
These are the hunters following the trail.
Heed the advice, when you see the light - run!
Until the cozy house was replaced by a cage,
While still tormented by otkhodnyaks.
These are the hunters following the trail.
Having torn off the muzzle, I read poetry to them.
I'll put coins in their eyes.
But where are those damn conductors?
Random connections in non-random events,
Someone would call them dirt, someone development.
And it is no longer possible to convince these vigilant spectators
Make the right choice at the distribution center.
With his back to the platform, he whined like a puppy.
He wanted to stop, but he couldn't.
Stop the dialogue, you fucking inner voice!
The doctor wrote an obituary, but did not give injections.
Having drunk "for peace", carefully packing -
It won't hurt, but if it hurts.
If you don't like our clinic - *publish to another!
In short, sniff * uh, you go to the side * uh -
With your problems, demons.
The topic is full of flies, * flies.
The earth will rest in peace for them, fed them with gunpowder.
He dug a grave for an idol and buried it.
There are fears, monks are burning at the stake.
There, the scum rose and fell into darkness.
There bones crunched like peanuts underfoot.
And in anticipation of a fight, I hear dogs barking.
These are the hunters following the trail.
Heed the advice, when you see the light - run!
Until the cozy house was replaced by a cage,
While still tormented by otkhodnyaks.
These are the hunters following the trail.
Having torn off the muzzle, I read poetry to them.
I'll put coins in their eyes.
But where are those damn conductors? |