Elli Kokkinou - lyrics with translation

- This page contains - 25 lyrics by artist/group Elli Kokkinou.
- Genres: Поп, Балканская музыка
- Language: Esperanto, English, Spanish, Cebuano, Greek (Modern Greek), Czech, Croatian, ht, Italian, Latin
List of lyrics
Name | Year |
Kosmotheoria | 2006 |
Masai | |
Erota Mou | 2006 |
Sex | 2005 |
Agori Mou | 2006 |
Ki Allo | 2005 |
Thelo Tosa Na Sou Po | 2006 |
Hartaetos | 2006 |
My world theory | |
There's so much I want to tell you | |
Pare Me | 2005 |
Moro Mou SSS | 2005 |
Itan Psema | 2005 |
Afto To Kalokeri | 2006 |
Ti Tis Ehis Vri | 2006 |
Talento | 2005 |
Kite | |
Tha Perimeno | 2006 |
My love | |
Sorry | |
Kiss me | |
Bye-Bye | 2006 |
Gine | 2006 |
Fila Me | 2006 |
My boy |