Lyrics of A VI Svi - Tram 11, Remi, Nered

A VI Svi - Tram 11, Remi, Nered
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song A VI Svi, artist - Tram 11
Date of issue: 24.05.2016
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Croatian

A VI Svi

Mi smo mi, ali kaj glumite vi ko da ste bolji neg mi, bolji neg ostali
A vi ste vi, a mi smo klošari, odvratni ogavni, ružni I bahati
Jer mi smo mi, a vi ste poznati, slavni I bogati, kod svih pozvani
Vi ste vi, a mi smo obični, za vas siromašni, bolesni I divlji
1: Target]
Mi smo mi (A vi) kaj nas gledate prijeko
Stvari koje sam reko kada sa trebom možete fino
(Svi) zaštopati uši
A ja ću vas zatvorit usta velikanom kog ćeš osjetit u duši
Ja, ja, ja, ja (A vi) kaj se pravite fini kad ste na bini
Ko da ste na višoj razini
Ne kažem (Svi) već pojedini
Kaj su iza kamere puno gori nego zagrebački fakini
Ja, ja, ja (A vi) da da mislim na vas
Kaj u mjuzi prodajete stas a ne glas, da znaš
(Svi) bi vas prali ogavna faca koja stoji iza vas, kuja i pas
Ja, ja, (A vi) jet-set odlikaši iskompleksirani
Brijete fino tamo gdje vas mogu vidjet (Svi)
Jebi se pa me baci u žiri za dekolte tijela jel volim sise
2: General Woo]
Mi smo mi (A vi) ste kao dobri i fini
životni moto budi bogat i pogini
Vi možete (Svi) imati milione
Keša na tona al ja ću još uvijek mrzit morone
Jer mi smo mi (A vi) niste iz kvarta
Nemaš frenda ko brata nisi isplivo iz blata
I zato bolje (Svi) počnite plakati
Kažeš da smo ološ samo zato što smo bahati
Mi smo klošari (A vi) prljavi idioti
Više vam se kvoti kad smo bliže većoj svoti
Pa možete (Svi) napušit se naše kite
U želji da uzmete jedan dio naše pite
Mi bi legalizaciju (A vi) imate nas na piku
žiža i kemija nisu isto kužiš spiku
A onda serete (Svi) kako djeca su na kemiji
Bok gospon Sarkoman moje dijete je narkoman
3: Target & General Woo]
Mi smo iz kvarta (A vi) neznate šta to znači
Da smo veći jebači jer smo financijski jači
Zato bolje (Svi) odjebite od nas
Zbog love grizem ko pas, adrenalin pun gas
Ja, ja, ja (A vi) kaj pričate iza leđa
Prava je sreća da me takvo sranje ne vrijeđa
Al zato (Svi) koji se nisu našli ovdje
Mogu čekati Čovječe ne ljuti se broj 3
Mi smo prgavi (A vi) glumite iskusnjake
Glazbeni kritičari šta će bit kad polete šake
Zato bolje (Svi) nemojte recenzirati
Ne kužite spiku pa se morate maskirati
Mi smo mi (A vi) ocjenjivači uradaka
Najelokvenijim tekstom kriticizma
Vi (Svi) pišete tako lijepo
Samo je šteta kaj ne kuži kaj sam reko
We are us, but what are you pretending to be better than us, better than the others
And you are you, and we are bums, disgusting, ugly and arrogant
Because we are, and you are famous, famous and rich, invited by all
You are you, and we are ordinary, poor, sick and wild for you
1: Target]
We are (And you) what you look at us beyond
The things I said when you need to do fine
(Everyone) plug your ears
And I will shut your mouth with the great one you will feel in your soul
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (And you) what do you pretend to be nice when you're on stage
As if you were at a higher level
I'm not saying (All) but some
What is behind the camera is much worse than Zagreb's fakini
I, I, I (And you) to think of you
You sell stature and not voice in music, you know
(Everyone) would wash you with the disgusting face behind you, the bitch and the dog
Yeah, yeah, (A vi) jet-set features complex
You shave well where I can see you (All)
Fuck you, throw me on the body cleavage jury if I like tits
2: General Woo]
We are we (And you) are as good and nice
life motto be rich and die
You can (Everyone) have millions
Cash on a ton but I will still hate morons
Because we (And you) are not from the neighborhood
You don't have a friend like your brother, you didn't come out of the mud
And so better (Everyone) start crying
You say we're scum just because we're arrogant
We're bums (And you) dirty idiots
You get more odds when we are closer to a larger amount
So you can (Everyone) get high on our dicks
Wanting to take one piece of our pie
We would legalize (And you) have us at the peak
focus and chemistry are not the same
And then shit (Everyone) shit like kids are on chemistry
Hi Mr. Sarkoman my child is a drug addict
3: Target & General Woo]
We're from the neighborhood (And you don't know what that means)
That we are bigger fuckers because we are financially stronger
So you better (Everyone) get the fuck away from us
Because of the money, I bite like a dog, full of adrenaline
Me, me, me (And you) what you're talking about behind your back
It's a real blessing that such shit doesn't offend me
But because (All) who did not find themselves here
I can wait Man don't get mad number 3
We are grumpy (And you) pretend to be experienced
Music critics what will happen when the fists fly
So better (All) don’t review
Don’t get the spike so you have to disguise yourself
We are (And you) the evaluators of the works
The most eloquent text of criticism
You (Everyone) write so beautifully
It's just a shame he doesn't understand what I said
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Other songs of the artist:

Explosion ft. Remi 2005
Laske de Marco ft. Dashbeatz, Nered, Dashbeatz 2016
Lose Sleep ft. Sensible J, Jordan Rakei 2016
Snitch ft. Remi 2016
Flowers ft. Remi 2017
Something Strange ft. Remi 2016
I Got It ! ft. Mariama, DJ Cut Killer, Remi 2010
Brain ft. Lori, Sensible J 2021
Navikni Se Na Život ft. General Woo, Nered, General Woo, Marko Lasić-Nered 2005
De-ža-vu ft. Remi 2019
Ti I Ja ft. Remi 2004
Mamuti ft. Nered 2000
Too Much ft. Sensible J 2016
Hate You ft. Sensible J, BARO 2016
365 ft. Sensible J, Tom Scott 2016
Move On ft. Sensible J, Lorry 2016
5 A.M. ft. Sensible J, Whosane 2021
Substance Therapy ft. Sensible J 2016
Outsiders ft. Sensible J 2016
Laaa La La Lost ft. Sensible J, Syreneyiscreamy 2016

Artist lyrics: Remi