Lyrics of Izarren hautsa - Mikel Laboa

Izarren hautsa - Mikel Laboa
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Izarren hautsa, artist - Mikel Laboa. Album song 60ak+2, in the genre Музыка мира
Date of issue: 22.10.2003
Record label: Elkar
Song language: Basque

Izarren hautsa

Izarren hautsa egun batean bilakatu zen bizigai
Hauts hartatikan uste gabean noizpait ginaden gu ernai
Eta horrela bizitzen gera, sortuz ta sortuz gure aukera
Atsedenik hartu gabe: lana eginaz goaz aurrera
Kate horretan denok batera gogorki loturik gaude
Gizonak badu inguru latz bat menperatzeko premia
Burruka hortan bizi da eta hori du bere egia
Ekin ta ekin bilatzen ditu, saiatze hortan ezin gelditu
Jakintza eta argia;
bide ilunak nekez aurkitu
Lege berriak noizpait erditu, hortan jokatuz bizia
Gizonen lana jakintza dugu: ezagutuz aldatzea
Naturarekin bat izan eta harremanetan sartzea
Eta indarrak ongi errotuz, gure sustraiak lurrari lotuz
Bertatikan irautea: ezaren gudaz baietza sortuz
Ukazioa legetzat hartuz beti aurrera joatea
Ez daukanak ongi ohi daki eukitzea zein den ona
Bere premiak bete nahian beti bizi da gizona
Gu ere zerbait bagera eta gauden tokitik hemendik bertan
Saia gaitezen ikusten: amets eroak baztertuz bertan
Sasi zikinak behingoz erreta bide on bat aukeratzen
Gizonen lana jakintza dugu: ezagutuz aldatzea
Naturarekin bat izan eta harremanetan sartzea
Gu sortu ginen enbor beretik sortuko dira besteak
Burruka hortan iraungo duten zuhaitz ardaxka gazteak
Beren aukeren jabe eraikiz, ta erortzean berriro jaikiz
Ibiltzen joanen direnak: gertakizunen indar ta argiz
Gure ametsak arrazoi garbiz egiztatuko dutenak
Gu sortu ginen enbor beretik sortuko dira besteak
Burruka hortan iraungo duten zuhaitz ardaxka gazteak
Gu sortu ginen enbor beretik sortuko dira besteak
Burruka hortan iraungo duten zuhaitz ardaxka gazteak
Gu sortu ginen enbor beretik sortuko dira besteak
Burruka hortan iraungo duten zuhaitz ardaxka gazteak
The dust of the stars became alive one day
We were awakened from that dust at some point
And so we live, creating and creating our opportunity
Without taking a break: we are moving forward with the work
We are all so close together in this chain
Man has a need to master a harsh environment
He lives in that struggle and that is his truth
He seeks them out, he can't stop trying
Knowledge and light;
dark paths are hard to find
The new law gave birth at some point to life
We have the work of men to know: to change by knowing
Get in touch with nature and get in touch
And rooting our strengths firmly, connecting our roots to the earth
Staying there: creating affirmation in the war of absence
To always go ahead with the denial as a law
He who does not know well knows how good it is
Man always lives to meet his needs
We are also something and where we are from here
Let's see if we can get rid of crazy dreams
Choosing a good way to burn dirty scrub once and for all
We have the work of men to know: to change by knowing
Get in touch with nature and get in touch
Others will be born from the same trunk as we were created
Young twigs of trees that will survive in this struggle
Building their own possessions, and rising again when they fall
Those who will walk: the force and light of events
That will make our dreams come true
Others will be born from the same trunk as we were created
Young twigs of trees that will survive in this struggle
Others will be born from the same trunk as we were created
Young twigs of trees that will survive in this struggle
Others will be born from the same trunk as we were created
Young twigs of trees that will survive in this struggle
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Other songs of the artist:

Baga-biga-higa ft. Donostiako Orfeoia, Mikel Laboa 2015
Txoria txori 2010
Haize hegoa 2010
Txinaurria 2010
Haika mutil 2010
Baga biga higa 2010
Gure Bazterrak 1997
Antzinako Bihotz 1989
Ehun ginen ft. Kortatu 2015
Martxa baten lehen notak 2006
Baga-higa-biga (Lekeitio 2) 2003
Oi Pello, Pello 2003
Liluraren kontra 2003
Zure begiek 2003
Txoria txori (hegoak) 1995
Oi Pello Pello 2006

Artist lyrics: Mikel Laboa