Date of issue: 14.10.2018
Song language: Uzbek
Sekin sekin(original) |
Sekin-sekin biz aylanib qolamiz begonaga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema so’nggi bekatni keganiga |
Sekin-sekin, ishonib kimlar nima deganiga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema tuyg’ularni tugaganiga!!! |
Sen ishon menga faqat |
Sen, sen ishon menga!!! |
O’rtada qolmadi bir gap |
Ko’z yoshlaring edi bir kam |
Gapimga «xo'p» deya bir gal |
Kel shunchaki bo’lgin birga |
Bor yo’g’i bir umrga |
Bor yo’g’i so’nggi nafasgacha |
Bor-u yo’g’im bo’lib turgin |
Men qolgan baridan voz kechay. |
Sekin-sekin biz aylanib qolamiz begonaga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema so’nggi bekatni keganiga |
Sekin-sekin, ishonib kimlar nima deganiga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema tuyg’ularni tugaganiga!!! |
Sen ishon menga faqat |
Sen, sen ishon menga!!! |
Sen ishon menga faqat o’zgagamas |
Axir o’zgalar bizni bilarmidi? |
Sen ishon menga faqat o’zgagamas |
Axir o’zgalar baxtli qilarmidi? |
Bu odamlarga doim nimangdir kam |
Ularga hayoting xuddi anketadey |
Doim «u yoki buni qimang» derkan |
Gapirib o’tadi ketadi |
Bu sabr kosa to’ladi bir kun |
Hamma narsani chegarasi bor |
Shuncha tuyg’u bo’ladi bir pul |
Sevgi — nafratni qarichdek orasi bor! |
Bo’ldi! |
Tuyg’ularimizni xavfga qo’yma |
U dugonalaring gapga to’ymas |
Orani buzadi bor yo’g’i bir gap |
Kel shunchaki bo’lgin birga |
Bor yog’i bir umrga!!! |
Sekin-sekin biz aylanib qolamiz begonaga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema so’nggi bekatni keganiga |
Sekin-sekin, ishonib kimlar nima deganiga |
Nega, nega? |
Dema tuyg’ularni tugaganiga!!! |
Sen ishon menga faqat |
Sen, sen ishon menga!!! |
(translation) |
Gradually we become alienated |
Why, why? |
Don't miss the last stop |
Slowly, believing who said what |
Why, why? |
Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. |
You just trust me |
You, you trust me !!! |
Not a word in the middle |
Your tears were few |
I said "yes" once |
Come on in, take a look |
Only for life |
Only until the last breath |
Stay tuned |
I give up the rest of the bar. |
Gradually we become alienated |
Why, why? |
Don't miss the last stop |
Slowly, believing who said what |
Why, why? |
Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. |
You just trust me |
You, you trust me !!! |
You just have to trust me |
Did anyone know us? |
You just have to trust me |
Would others be happy? |
These people always lack something |
To them, your life is like a questionnaire |
Always saying ‘don’t cut it or that’ |
Talk to you soon and keep up the good content |
It will pay off in a day |
There is a limit to everything |
It's a feeling of money |
Love is hated! |
It has been! |
Don't jeopardize our feelings |
Your friends can't get enough of it |
It's just a matter of breaking the deadlock |
Come on in, take a look |
Boron oil for life !!! |
Gradually we become alienated |
Why, why? |
Don't miss the last stop |
Slowly, believing who said what |
Why, why? |
Feeling we have 'Run out of gas' emotionally. |
You just trust me |
You, you trust me !!! |
Name | Year |
Insonlar | 2023 |
Yengilma, tur | 2018 |
15 Qorong'u 15 yorug' | 2018 |
Musofir | 2018 |
Yo'q | 2018 |