Tamtrum - lyrics with translation

- This page contains - 14 lyrics by artist/group Tamtrum.
- Genres: Электроника, Индастриал
- Language: English, French
List of lyrics
Name | Year |
My Fall | 2006 |
Somewhere in Times | 2012 |
Ass Rider | 2009 |
Psycologicalaxative | 2012 |
Tantrum | 2012 |
Some (Bloody) Times | 2012 |
Pervert Inc. | 2006 |
Atomik Suicide | 2012 |
Extazy | 2012 |
In Blood We Trust | 2012 |
Datura Dream | 2012 |
La Menthe Vénneneuse | 2010 |
P.I.G. | 2014 |
The last song | 2007 |