Blow, blow, another blow, another blow - and now
Boris Budkeev (Krasnodar) delivers an uppercut.
So he pressed me in the corner, so I barely left,
Here is an uppercut, I'm on the floor, and I'm not feeling well.
And Budkeev thought, crumbling my jaw:
"And to live well, and life is good!"
At the count of "seven" I'm still lying, my countrywomen are sobbing.
I get up, dive, leave, and glasses suit me.
It's not true, as if by the end I'm saving my strength, -
I have not been able to hit a person in the face since childhood.
But Budkeev thought, crushing my ribs:
"And to live well, and life is good!"
Whistle in the stands, howl in the stands: - Atu him, he is a coward! ..-
Budkeev gets into close combat, and I press on to the ropes.
But he got through - he is a Siberian, they are stubborn.
And I said to him: "Freak!" |
Tired after all, have a rest!
But he did not hear, he thought, breathing,
That life is good and life is good.
And he beats everything - a healthy devil! |
I see - there will be trouble.
After all, boxing is not a fight, it is a sport of the brave, etc.
So he hit one, two, three - and he himself lost his strength.
The referee, whom I did not beat, raised my hand.
He lay and thought: that life is good...
To whom - good, and to whom - not a shish. |