I carried my Trouble along the spring ice.
The ice broke - the soul broke off,
She went under the water like a stone, and the trouble, though heavy, -
And she lingered over the sharp edges.
And she lingered over the sharp edges.
And the Trouble has been searching the world for me since that day.
Rumors go along with her with Krivotolki.
And that I did not die, the naked willow knew
And also quail with quails.
And also quail with quails.
Which one of them said to him, my lord,
They just gave me away, they blabbed.
And from passion he is not his own, he went after me,
Well, and for him - Trouble and Rumor got along.
Well, and for him - Trouble and Rumor got along.
He overtook me, caught up, hugged me, lifted me up in his arms,
Next to him in the saddle, Trouble was grinning...
But he could not stay - there was only one day,
And the Trouble lingered forever.
And the Trouble lingered forever. |