that is together inadvertently
that I unintentionally join
that is together inadvertently
that I unintentionally join
Oh, he got together and he got together
that I unintentionally join
For my bad luck unintentionally
that I unintentionally join
He says unintentionally and I don't know
that I unintentionally join
I don't know why but I know
that I unintentionally join
That unintentionally I don't know
that I unintentionally join
That without realizing it and without bad faith
that I unintentionally join
With a sorceress and the candombe
that I unintentionally join
And that I dance without wanting
That I dance without wanting
He says that I dance without meaning to
That I dance without wanting
Without knowing about the magic of candombe
That I dance without wanting
That I unintentionally no, I don't know
That I dance without wanting
He says I take and I take and I take
I accidentally got drunk
He says the sorceress made him drink
I accidentally got drunk
That the candombe confused him
That I dance without wanting
And plead and swear
that everything was unintentionally
And he begs and he cries and he swears
that everything was unintentionally
That loneliness made him drink
that I take if I want
Who remembers very little of what happened
If I inadvertently forgot
Candombe cumbele cumbele
candombe cumbele
That he no longer remembers if it was in makande
candombe cumbele
Candombe cumbele cumbele
candombe cumbele
cumbele cumbele |