Lyrics of Untouchable - Pusho

Untouchable - Pusho
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Untouchable, artist - Pusho.
Date of issue: 11.12.2014
Song language: Spanish


Oye pordiosero
No es que yo no tenga modales
Es que a mi siempre me enseñaron que no haga fila en ningún lao'
¿Tú no me entiendes?
Te salió el tiro por la culata, la cosa se te complica
Te va a desbaratar si tratas de brincar la cuica
Mamabicho te tengo mordío y lo más que te pica
Que cuando pregunto «¿Quién me daño el remix?»
gritan «Sica!»
Que hay que hacer pa que estos entiendan que tengo el poder
Pa estrellar a to' el que joda con el nene del Cartel
Y Casa Blanca
Vuelvo y repito que no se me tranca
Pa' empezar con Sica y terminar con Juanka
A mi no me ronque versatilidad que tus temas nadie los baila
Por eso te botaron de Rottweilas
O por que le robaste a Coscu las pick y las pal y las endo
Por eso siempre está en la misma nota que Kendo
Con insomnio
Vete, dale quejas al demonio
Estos pendejos de Miami fronteándoles a San Antonio
Los Champions, despegando sin ponernos el cinturón
Limpia pecera pa' tu esquina que se soltó el tiburón (Pusho)
El que los descontrola con un 16
Toma un consejo si quieres jugar conmigo el NBA
Primero tienes que romper el vicio, ponte un suero
O te quedas toa' la vida jugando en los cangrejeros
Ta' feo
Muchacho dale por el paseo
Prince Royce, pídele la bendición a Romeo
Que siempre serás mi chata
Y después de esta bachata
Sica vuelve a construcción y Juanka recoge las latas (Woh)
Todavía no les cabe en la mente que yo soy el Rookie of the Year
Tan difícil se les hace cabrones
Yo soy el del palabreo fresh
La sicaria esta lucia'
Antes de tener bracer nada decía
Por que le salían dientes hasta fuera de las encías
Y sobresale
Tú me puedes decir que tengo pales
Llevan 10 años con un bozal pero siguen iguales
En esta mierda tu no sales, no tengo más que decir
Tu no llegas a donde estoy, ni aunque te trepes en un misil
En tu compañía no hay cash, to' son unos esmeril
Firmaste por una cadena y la calle en el 2000
Pero la culpa no es tuya, la culpa es de Three Jeans
Por estar puyándote pa' que te trepes al ring
Juanka, tu puedes frontear con 2 cadenas, 2 BM
Y sigues siendo el lambebichos de Las Vegas y JM
Cantando, tírale a Pusho, ¿qué esta esperando?
(Yo le vo' a tirar, pero si Pacho sale hablando)
La linda, ahora to' el mundo del flaco se arreguinda
Mientras en la esquina le gritan «Sica, no te me rindas»
Óyeme, no estamos ni en el segundo asalto
Y así tu querías probarme a mi
Óyeme, tu no sales conmigo
Descansa en paz cabrón
Otro muerto pa' la lista
Me hiciste perder tiempo en una pista
Pa' esta mierda mejor te hubieras quedao' como corista
Doblando las voces
Tratando 'e cantar desde los 12
Ya es 2014 y todavía nadie te conoce
Tas' buscando roce, pero te ponchaste sin strike
Cuando la gente se entere que le dabas a tu mai'
Tengo evidencia
Porque tu roncas de Mr. Consistencia
Si nunca has pegado un tema en tu existencia
Me agotaron la paciencia, ¿qué les pasa a estos difuntos?
Ustedes no tienen calibre pa' bregar con este asunto
Hay mucho novato loco, cabrones, pero aquí el punto
Es que no podrán tumbarme ni aunque los dos me tiren juntos
Y no la estén sacando, si no van a usarla entonces
Que no los pillemos rodeando por la
Esto es de Carolina a Ponce
Novatito guárdense que se soltó el Jay-Z de Beyonce (Pusho!)
No me hable de imagen que ya to' en zorra
Explícale a la gente que hasta duermes con gorra
Pa' tapar los culatazos que te han dao' por pillo
Y en el fucking remix quien mató fui yo
Comete el bizcocho muerto de hambre como el Chavo del Ocho
Las camisas son 3X, el pantalón es 28
Que chiste, tu sí que eres lo más feo que existe
No se ni pa' que carajo naciste
Disparate, llama al Chapulín que te rescate
Jugaste contra el rey y te buscaste un jaque mate
No se pongan sensible
Después que les de esta barría horrible
Se van a dar cuenta que estoy invencible
Óyeme, mugroso
Has buscado mil escusas pa' tirarme
Primero me dices que te robo los tonos
Después dices que quiero probarte a ver si tú eres duro de verdad
Hasta que te atreviste a decir
Que tú eres el Rookie of the Year
Mira cabrón
Usted lleva tratando
Porque lo que lleva es tratando de cantar, hace 10 años
¿Usted me dice a mí que usted es un rookie?
Tu eres el rookie más viejo de la historia cabrón
Oye, aquí el rookie soy yo
Yo no llevo ni 8 meses en esto
Y he lograo' el triple de lo que ustedes tan siquiera han soñao'
Tu no me entiendes
Tu querías probarme cabrón
Busca pauta
Arreguindandote del esfuerzo de los demás
Mámate este bicho
Estuviste 3 semanas
(Por fa' Coscu, dile a Pusho y a Benny que me monten en el remix, por favor)
Cabrón, por Coscu te montamos
Y ahora nos tiras
Usted es un puerco cabrón
A usted nadie lo quiere, se le vira to' el mundo
Te botaron de Full Records por puerco
Le seguiste corriendo a Wibal y Alex
También te botaron
Te recoge Coscu y lo traicionas
Por una cadena y una calle bien viejísima infeliz
Que se puede esperar de un hombre
Que le dio a su madre
Y al otro perro sarnoso, este
Al carga bicho de Cataño
A usted nadie le hace caso
Usted es un infeliz
Usted no tiene donde caerse muerto
El que le crea su película
Tampoco sirve (jajaja)
Soy yo
El fuckin' Rookie of the Year
Pa' que entiendan
Esto es Casablanca Records
Y El Cartel
Tito dile, que yo soy la impresión más cabrona que tú has hecho
John Hollywood
hey beggar
It's not that I don't have manners
It's that they always taught me not to stand in line anywhere
You do not understand me?
You got shot in the butt, things get complicated
It's going to mess you up if you try to jump the cuica
Mamabicho I have bitten you and the most that itches you
That when I ask "Who damaged the remix?"
They yell "Sica!"
What must be done so that they understand that I have the power
To crash everyone who fucks with the Cartel's baby
and White House
I come back and I repeat that I'm not stuck
To start with Sica and end with Juanka
Versatility doesn't bother me because nobody dances your songs
That's why they kicked you out of Rottweilas
Or because you stole the pick and the pal and the endo from Coscu
That's why he is always on the same note as Kendo
With insomnia
Go away, give complaints to the devil
These assholes from Miami bordering on San Antonio
The Champions, taking off without putting on the belt
Clean fish tank for your corner that the shark was released (Pusho)
The one who uncontrolls them with a 16
Take a tip if you want to play with me the NBA
First you have to break the vice, put on a serum
Or you stay all your life playing in the crabbers
so ugly
Boy go for the ride
Prince Royce, ask Romeo for his blessing
That you will always be my flat
And after this bachata
Sica goes back to construction and Juanka picks up the cans (Woh)
It still doesn't fit in your mind that I'm the Rookie of the Year
It's so difficult for them bastards
I am the one with the fresh word
The killer is lucia'
Before having a bracer, I said nothing
Why did teeth come out of the gums
and she sticks out
You can tell me that I have pales
They have been wearing a muzzle for 10 years but they are still the same
In this shit you don't go out, I have nothing more to say
You don't get to where I am, not even if you climb on a missile
In your company there is no cash, they are all emery
You signed for a chain and the street in 2000
But it's not your fault, it's Three Jeans's fault
For being puyando pa' that you climb to the ring
Juanka, you can front with 2 chains, 2 BM
And you're still the bugger from Las Vegas and JM
Singing, shoot Pusho, what are you waiting for?
(I'm going to shoot him, but if Pacho comes out talking)
The pretty one, now the whole world of the skinny guy is straightening up
While on the corner they shout "Sica, don't give up on me"
Hear me, we're not even in the second round
And so you wanted to test me
Hey me, you don't go out with me
rest in peace bastard
Another dead for the list
You made me waste time on a track
For this shit, you'd better have stayed as a chorus girl
Doubling the voices
Trying to sing since I was 12
It's already 2014 and still no one knows you
Tas' looking for friction, but you struck out without a strike
When people find out that you gave your mai'
I have evidence
Because you snore from Mr. Consistency
If you have never pasted a theme in your stock
They exhausted my patience, what happens to these deceased?
You do not have the caliber to deal with this matter
There's a lot of crazy rookies, motherfuckers, but here's the point
It's that they won't be able to knock me down even if they both throw me together
And they are not taking it out, if they are not going to use it then
That we do not catch them surrounding by the
This is from Carolina to Ponce
Rookie watch out Beyonce's Jay-Z came off (Pusho!)
Don't talk to me about an image that's already a bitch
Explain to people that you even sleep with a hat
To cover up the butt blows that have hurt you because you're a rogue
And in the fucking remix it was me who killed
Eat the starving cake like Chavo del Ocho
Shirts are 3X, pants are 28
What a joke, you are the ugliest thing that exists
I don't even know what the hell you were born for
Go crazy, call the Chapulín to rescue you
You played against the king and got yourself a checkmate
Don't get sensitive
After I give them this horrible barria
They will realize that I am invincible
listen to me, filthy
You have looked for a thousand excuses to throw me away
First you tell me that I steal your tones
Then you say that I want to test you to see if you are really tough
Until you dared to say
That you are the Rookie of the Year
look bastard
you have been trying
Because what he has been trying to sing, 10 years ago
Do you tell me that you are a rookie?
You are the oldest rookie in history bastard
Hey, I'm the rookie here
I haven't even been in this for 8 months
And I have achieved triple what you have even dreamed of
You do not understand me
you wanted to prove me bastard
Look for pattern
Compensating for the efforts of others
suck this bug
you stayed 3 weeks
(Please Coscu, tell Pusho and Benny to put me on the remix, please)
Bastard, for Coscu we ride you
And now you throw us
you are a pig bastard
No one loves you, the whole world turns on you
They kicked you off Full Records for pork
You kept running from Wibal and Alex
They also kicked you out
Coscu picks you up and you betray him
For a chain and a very old unhappy street
What can you expect from a man
that he gave to his mother
hear me
And the other mangy dog, this
To the Cataño bug load
Nobody pays attention to you
you are unhappy
You have nowhere to drop dead
The one who creates your movie
It doesn't work either (lol)
It's me
The fuckin' Rookie of the Year
So that they understand
hear me
This is Casablanca Records
and the poster
Tito tell him that I am the most badass impression you have made
John Hollywood
I paint
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Other songs of the artist:

Baila Mami ft. Pusho, Benny Benni 2021
Los Favoritos ft. Dj Luian, Farruko, Nengo Flow 2015
Un Bellakeo ft. Pusho, Alexio, Juanka 2016
Juguetona ft. Farruko, Kendo Kaponi, Pusho 2016
Quiero Experimentar ft. Luigi 21 Plus, Pusho, Dalmata 2022
Ta To Cool ft. Pusho 2018
Palos & Glopetas 2020
El Avatar 2019
Mas Dura Que Ayer 2016
No Aguanta Más ft. Pusho 2018
Guerra ft. Pusho, Cosculluela, Químico Ultra Mega 2019
Rampampan ft. Zion, Pusho 2015
No Lo Cambio 2021
Mejor Sin Ti ft. G-One, Pusho 2018
Championa ft. Green Cookie, Montana the Producer, J Alvarez 2018
Estoy Listo ft. Carlitos Rossy 2015
Grita 2019
4 Life ft. Jay Wheeler, Queen Rowsy, Pusho 2019
Asi Son 2020
Te Fuistes ft. Pusho 2016

Artist lyrics: Pusho