Lyrics of In Love - Miyagi & Эндшпиль, KADI

In Love - Miyagi & Эндшпиль, KADI
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song In Love, artist - Miyagi & Эндшпиль.
Date of issue: 29.07.2018
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Russian language

In Love

Кто тут?
Кто тут?
Кто тут?
Кто тут?
Трек не антракт и не мантра.
I am God bless - точно не пропаганда.
I am God bless in the hood bloody.
In the sun Hollywood so funny.
Вместо рук лапы Панды.
Вокруг дамы, банты.
Мой мир на замок, блок паутина Сандры.
Я раздаю тепло, как Wi-Fi,
We gonna dance all night.
Come on!
Я раздаю тепло, как Wi-Fi,
We gonna dance all night.
Come on!
Я раздаю тепло, как Wi-Fi,
We gonna dance all night.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, сan you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come,
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, сan you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come,
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
По стопам великого вайба drum.
Вам поделом, нам сам великан достал.
За профиты вон прогнал.
Бум-ба клак, come in out Babylon.
Устал, либо ликовать за love.
Либо закопать уста.
You Cosmostar.
Минимум мир к ногам.
My really love number one!
Сил накидай нам,
Да верных рядом апостолов, фей.
Не перекочевать нам с этой планеты покуда,
Так будем же мы добрей.
Я буду любоваться каждым демоном
И непременно менять тебя.
Ты не загоняйся, ведь мы
Будем оголять, будем оголять провода.
Грустное диско саунда.
Really bad, man, это тебе, видимо, надо.
Время горит, как ладан.
Нам топить же надо, покорить же надо их.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, сan you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come,
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, сan you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come,
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
(Е-е) My voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come;
(Е-е) You'll be the purpose in love;
(Е-е) My voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come;
(Е-е) You'll be the purpose in love.
Who's here?
Who's here?
Who's here?
Who's here?
The track is not an intermission or a mantra.
I am God bless - definitely not propaganda.
I am God bless in the hood bloody.
In the sun Hollywood so funny.
Panda's paws instead of hands.
Around the ladies, bows.
My world is locked, block the web of Sandra.
I distribute heat like Wi-Fi
We gonna dance all night.
Come on!
I distribute heat like Wi-Fi
We gonna dance all night.
Come on!
I distribute heat like Wi-Fi
We gonna dance all night.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, can you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, can you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
In the footsteps of the great drum vibe.
Serve you right, the giant himself got us.
For profit drove out.
Boom-ba-clack, come in out Babylon.
Tired, or rejoice for love.
Or bury your mouth.
You Cosmostar.
At least the world is at your feet.
My really love number one!
Give us strength
Yes, faithful nearby apostles, fairies.
We do not migrate from this planet for the time being,
So let's be better.
I will admire every demon
And be sure to change you.
You do not drive, because we
We will expose, we will expose the wires.
Sad disco sound.
Really bad, man, you probably need this.
Time burns like incense.
We need to drown, but we need to subdue them.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, can you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
Are you dancing with
The devil tonight, can you hear my voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come
To give me the sign for the rest of my live,
You'll be the purpose in love.
(Yeah) My voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come;
(Yeah) You'll be the purpose in love;
(Yeah) My voice?
Could you flame my hype that you come;
(Yeah) You'll be the purpose in love.
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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Other songs of the artist:

Bismarck ft. TumaniYO, KADI 2019
I Got Love ft. Рем Дигга 2016
Родная пой ft. KADI 2018
Colors ft. Miyagi 2018
Рапапам ft. Miyagi & Эндшпиль 2016
Половина моя 2016
Prayers ft. Miyagi 2020
Untouchable ft. Рем Дигга 2018
Cold Race 2019
Самая ft. Amigo 2016
Led by a Dollar 2019
Fire Man 2018
Heaven 2019
Люби меня ft. Sимптом 2016
Pouring Rain 2020
Peppy Miller 2020
Dance Up ft. Miyagi & Эндшпиль 2018
Propaganda ft. Moeazy 2020
Именно та ft. NERAK 2017
Бейба судьба 2016

Artist lyrics: Miyagi & Эндшпиль
Artist lyrics: KADI