A cuckoo flew over the old house,
The cuckoo began to count the summer
I am sitting under the merchant and I have in mind
How many more years I will wander the world
I have an old thatched house
And I have comfort in seven worlds
As it gets hot, I run to the grove
I walk between the trees and play the flute
The young man loves everything in the world
Honey vodka and maiden lips
Play, musicians, in the summer in rita-tambourines
Until the morning
Gypsies-Tatars roam the paths
Crazy verses hum with the stars
If you had wings and great strength
I would fly to heaven to God in the manor
However, I wander the world on beaten paths
I recite verses with bright stars
I have bloody wings on my shoulders
Where does that power come from?
Scattered in the sky are silver stones
Green seeds are sown in the ground
Steep-horned oxen are being driven to the barn
The wind blows through the steppe perekotypole
Let the green seed grow to the sky
He has deep roots in the earth,
And from that silver for a black horse
Make me, blacksmith, a silver horseshoe
Oh, the field is rolling over the field
Oh rolling field perekotipole… |