Where is the mother of the gods?
Mother of the gods is here
The mother of the gods is here!
The whole world is in front of me
He is open to new words
We go to the call of nature
The voice of the mother of the gods
The whole world is in front of me
A body of a billion heads
And we fight every year
For the power of the mother of the gods
I've been silent for so long
But now I'm ready
On the way to a new beginning
Bodies of the mother of the gods
And my doors without a lock
My brushes without shackles
Primal freedom
Rules the ball of naked words
And I was born a hundred times
And died a hundred times
Until a new chance has fallen
City of strength for one
Other death as a result,
And I'm on my way to the call of the goddess
The voice of the mother of the gods
Where is the mother of the gods?
Mother of the gods is here
Remember this city - St. Petersburg
City of Crime Deals Music of the Arts
And I live on the street
And smolder like a cigarette
Here the north wind blows
Sweeping everyday life on a loop
Along the foundry
And I carry a leather coffin
goddess mother of the gods
Under the downpour and the tramp of feet
Rhythms of heels
Plays the city
Truth is the foundation
That youth remembers everything
Where is the mother of the gods?
Mother of the gods is here
The whole world is in front of me
He is open to new words
We go to the call of nature
The voice of the mother of the gods
The whole world is in front of me
A body of a billion heads
And we fight every year
For the power of the mother of the gods
mother of the gods |