Date of issue: 31.12.2011
Record label: Zappa Family Trust
Song language: English
German Lunch |
Uhh, may I see your papers pleez? |
Uhhh, lemme see |
Hand me your suitcase, let me. |
.. open it |
I’m just a bit nervous you understand |
Open the suitcase |
This hasn’t happened. |
.. too often |
Uh-huh, I see, how many. |
.. sixty-two packages of cigarettes. |
Why are you |
carrying all zees into Germany for? |
What are you doing this for? |
I. .. I. . |
How long have you been livin' in Berlin? |
I don’t live in Berlin |
Where do you live? |
I live in Texas |
Texas? |
Texas |
Oh I see, Lyndon Johnson lives in Texas too, does he not? |
I know, Sure does |
Ooh, hm this is alright |
You mind. |
.. Is it alright if I shut my suitcase off? |
Shut it off??? |
Ha, ha ha ha |
Do you care for one of these cigarettes? |
Now, who’s this lady you are with? |
What lady? |
This lady here, standing next to you |
Oh, this is uh, this is… |
Has she has papers too? |
Lemme see your papers! |
How come you have to yell so much, what did we do? |
I don’t yell |
Were just trying to get into the country |
This is my country, it’s not your country, I’m? |
here, I’ve been standing here |
for years and years doing zis every time. |
You making me very angry |
Is this ze Fazerland |
This is ze Fazerland yes |
Listen you ought to check all the Mothers through customs. |
Hey line up as soon |
as you finished. |
. |
Are you through with me, sir? |
You may step over here to the right |
Thank you |
My name is Fritz, open the suitcase please? |
Just a moment here, just a moment |
What is this there’s sixty two copies of Horseshit Magazine. |
What are you |
carrying Horseshit Magazine around for. |
. |
It’s a hoax, hold it, hold it here |
What is this. |
Right there! |
Hold it hold it. |
I’ll never forget you Fritz |
Alright, next, you may close this now |
Next whos up, uh, here he comes. |
Who are you? |
Hand me your paper |
Here’s my papers |
Your name is Duke? |
What’s this Duke, Duke DeWild. |
Have you seen many German |
movies, you ever go to ze movies? |
I never go to the movies |
What is zis, you bring zees into Germany. |
Zees are Japanese tools. |
Why do you bring Japanese tools to Germany where we make the finest tools ever, |
you, what are you doingk? |
That’s 60 marks for you, oh my God, what’s the |
matter with you? |
(coughing) |
Oh my God, please please not here. |
Step. |
.. . |
Oh my God, what are you doingk. |
Oh, who are you, what is your name, hand me your paper. |
Is your name Larry? |
Larry Frnoga? |
Yes |
Larry Frnoga? |
Larry Frnoga |
Oh my God, what are you doing, what are you doing zat for? |
I’m beating the horse to make it go faster |
That’s not a horse that’s a table |
What’s the difference? |
Ha, ha, ha |
Don’t go too fast, does it, for a table |
What is this? |
Ohhh, zefrin, CL brand of ah nasal spray. |
You have a cold? |
How long have you had a cold? |
About a year. |
(about.) |
You had a cold for a year, are you trying to bring a cold into zis country. |
Oh my God don’t cough on me. |
What is this medal say. |
Sais Berlin survival |
award 1968 |
That’s where I got my cold |
You were here before in Berlin |
That’s right |
What, what were you doing in Berlin? |
I gave a concert |
You gave a concert in Berlin? |
That’s right |
To whom? |
The German people |
The German people |
Yes |
Don’t take the German people lightly, I say, who is this man here, is it Arthur, |
Arthur Tripp |
Arthur, Arthur |
It’s a German name is it not? |
English |
Tripp? |
Ja |
Tripp? |
Ja, JA?! |
Ja, ja-ja… |
Stop giggling, you’re having too much fun, you know we arrest people for having |
to much fun here |
I beg your pardon |
When you come to someone elses country do you run around on the grass and make |
it dirty everywhere you go? |
No, I stick pretty close to the bars |
You know you people all look… bars? |
We have a lot of bars here |
Ysure do. |
Heh-heh, scuze me if I laugh |
Don’t laugh |
Alright I’ll do that |
Who is this man here, the other man? |
He’s our leader |
He is your leader? |
Ja |
Wh-what is his function and how does he lead you? |
He directs us by with signals various vocal noises |
Vocal noises? |
Vat are some of the noises? |
Eh, peep |
Peep? |
Poowah |
Pooowahhhhhh |
I see you all are very well organised, we all like order in Germany you know. |
You have such a pleasant smile, may I see your papers? |
You see I don’t exactly have my papers with me I |
You don’t have papers? |
I may have left them in my other bag |
He has no papers huh |
He has no papers |
I mean if there was something I could do for you |
Do you have any identification |
Identification, lemme see |
It’s a nice watch you have on |
Wa ist los? |
It used to have a Mickey Mouse there, I… |
I tell you what I’ll do |
If if if you give me zat watch |
Nein |
That’s a very strange german accent |
Ja ha ha ha |
Are you sure. |
. |
Are you from Strabourg or was |
He’s a russian spy, he’s a Russian I think |
I think so |
Get Him |
Hands Up! |
Oh God |
What’s goin on? |
You want an enema? |
No I’ll take a cheeseburger |
Why is the bow-tie goink from your neck |
I’m practicing to fly |
Why is everyone in this group having bow ties going from ze neck? |
They’re all weird |
Gimme your watch |
I still don’t trust this guys accent |
Who is this, who, who? |
Come here, come over here. |
Do you have a suitcase |
We must watch this one |
We must watch this one, right. |
Let’s open the suitcase |
My guitar wants to kill you mama |
My guitar wants to burn your dad |
I get real mean when he makes me mad |
This is very good, this is very normal, German lyrics. |
You’re all welcome to |
our country |
Ha ha ha |
Don’t laugh |
Name | Year |
Bobby Brown Goes Down | 2011 |
Willie The Pimp | 2011 |
Uncle Remus | 2011 |
Don't Eat The Yellow Snow | 2011 |
Watermelon In Easter Hay | 2011 |
Dirty Love | 2016 |
Peaches En Regalia | 2011 |
Muffin Man ft. Captain Beefheart, The Mothers | 1975 |
Nanook Rubs It | 2011 |
Joe's Garage | 2011 |
Son Of Mr. Green Genes | 2011 |
Cosmik Debris | 2011 |
Baby Snakes | 2011 |
The Torture Never Stops | 2011 |
I Have Been In You | 2011 |
St. Alfonzo's Pancake Breakfast | 2011 |
Black Napkins | 2011 |
Father O'Blivion | 2011 |
Sexual Harassment In The Workplace | 2011 |
Camarillo Brillo ft. The Mothers | 2011 |