Redd Kross - lyrics with translation

Redd Kross
    This page contains - 46 lyrics by artist/group Redd Kross.
  • Genres: Поп, Иностранный рок, Альтернатива
  • Language: English

List of lyrics

Fighting 2019
There's No One Like You 2019
The Party Underground 2019
Fantástico Roberto 2019
Secret Life 1996
Follow The Leader 1996
Sick Love 1996
Dancing Queen 1996
Kiss The Goat 1996
Get Out Of Myself 1996
Mess Around 1996
Vanity Mirror 1996
One Chord Progression 1996
Ugly Town 1996
You Lied Again 1996
Teen Competition 1996
Girl God 1996
Any Hour Every Day 1992
Stoned 1996
Only A Girl 1992
After School Special 1992
Pretty Please Me 1996
Saragon 1992
Huge Wonder 1992
Visionary 1992
Ms Lady Evans 1992
Pay For Love 1992
Dumb Angel 1992
Monolith 1992
Lady In The Front Row 1992
Jimmy's Fantasy 1992
I Don't Know How to Be Your Friend 2008
Shonen Knife 2008
Beyond the Door 2019
1976 2008
Punk II 2019
The Faith Healer 2008
Annie's Gone 2008
When Do I Get to Sing "My Way" 2019
Bubblegum Factory 2008
What's a Boy to Do? 2019
Jone Hoople 2019
Zira (Call out My Name) 2008
Love Is Not Love 2008
Debbie & Kim 2008
Elephant Flares 2008