Obsequiae - lyrics with translation

- This page contains - 13 lyrics by artist/group Obsequiae.
- Language: English
List of lyrics
Name | Year |
Autumnal Pyre | 2015 |
Ceres in Emerald Streams | 2019 |
In the Garden of Hyacinths | 2019 |
Anlace and Heart | 2015 |
Until All Ages Fall | 2015 |
In the Absence of Light | 2015 |
Pools of a Vernal Paradise | 2015 |
The Palms of Sorrowed Kings | 2019 |
Emanations Before the Pythia | 2019 |
Asleep in the Bracken | 2019 |
Lone Isle | 2019 |
Wilweorthunga | 2015 |
Orphic Rites of the Mystic | 2015 |