Jai-Jagdeesh - lyrics with translation

- This page contains - 13 lyrics by artist/group Jai-Jagdeesh.
- Genres: Нью-эйдж, Поп
- Language: English, Uzbek
List of lyrics
Name | Year |
I Am Thine | 2011 |
In Dreams | 2013 |
Hallelujah | 2013 |
With You | 2011 |
Aad Guray Nameh | 2011 |
Light of Love | 2013 |
Ardas Bhaee | 2013 |
Om Namah Shivaya Raam | 2011 |
Satigur Kar Deenai (Protection in the Home) | 2011 |
Ong Namo Guru Dayvaa | 2011 |
The Miracle of Miracles (Ardas Bhaee) | 2015 |
Sarovar | 2013 |
Raj Jog | 2013 |