Dylan Thomas - lyrics with translation

Dylan Thomas
    This page contains - 20 lyrics by artist/group Dylan Thomas.
  • The country: United Kingdom
  • Language: English

List of lyrics

A Child's Christmas in Wales ft. Al Lewis, Ben Robbins, Dylan Thomas 2021
A Child's Christmas in Wales, A Story 2012
In the White Giant's Thigh 2012
Ballad of the Long-Legged Bait 2012
A Winter's Tale 2019
Should Lanterns Shine 2019
And Death Shall Have No Dominion 2019
If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Your Love 2019
Prologue 2014
If I Were Tickled by the Rub of Love 2014
Author's Prologue 2012
If My Head Hurt a Hair's Foot 2012
The Hunchback in the Park 2012
Light Breaks Where No Sun Shines 2012
Dawn Raid 2012
In the White Giants Thigh 2014
Over Sir John's Hill 2012
The Tombstone Told When She Died 2012
The Hand That Signed the Paper 2012
Poem in October 1949