Daedalus - lyrics with translation

- This page contains - 17 lyrics by artist/group Daedalus.
- Genres: Прогрессивный рок, Мировая классика
- Language: English, Italian
List of lyrics
Name | Year |
The dancers | 2009 |
Cold embrace | 2009 |
Perfect smile | 2009 |
A journey to myself | 2009 |
Hopeless | 2009 |
The never ending illusion | 2009 |
Life | 2009 |
Mare di stelle | 2009 |
Your Lies | 2011 |
Sand | 2011 |
Until You're Here | 2011 |
A Tale | 2011 |
Underground | 2011 |
Empty Rooms | 2011 |
Motherland | 2011 |
For Aye | 2011 |
Perspective of the Moon | 2011 |