Lyrics of La chanson de Maxence - Stéphane Kerecki Quartet, Jeanne Added

La chanson de Maxence - Stéphane Kerecki Quartet, Jeanne Added
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song La chanson de Maxence, artist - Stéphane Kerecki Quartet
Date of issue: 19.05.2014
Song language: French

La chanson de Maxence

Je l’ai cherchée partout j’ai fait le tour du monde
De Venise à Java de Manille à Angkor
De Jeanne à Victoria de Vénus en Joconde
Je ne l’ai pas trouvée et je la cherche encore
Je ne connais rien d’elle et pourtant je la vois
J’ai inventé son nom j’ai entendu sa voix
J’ai dessiné son corps et j’ai peint son visage
Son portrait et l’amour ne font plus qu’une image
Elle a cette beauté des filles romantiques
Et d’un Botticelli le regard innocent
Son profil est celui de ces vierges mythiques
Qui hantent les musées et les adolescents
Sa démarche ressemble aux souvenirs d’enfant
Qui trottent dans ma tête et dansent en rêvant
Sur son front, ses cheveux sont de l’or en bataille
Que le vent de la mer et le soleil chamaillent
Je pourrais vous parler de ses yeux, de ses mains
Je pourrais vous parler d’elle jusqu'à demain
Son amour, c’est ma vie mais à quoi bon rêver?
Je l’ai cherchée partout je ne l’ai pas trouvée
Il pourrait nous parler de ses yeux, de ses mains
Il pourrait nous parler d’elle jusqu'à demain
Son amour c’est sa vie, mais à quoi bon rêver?
Il l’a cherchée partout il ne l’a pas trouvée
Est-elle loin d’ici?
Est-elle près de moi?
Je n’en sais rien encore mais je sais qu’elle existe
Est-elle pécheresse ou bien fille de roi?
Que m’importe son sang puisque je suis artiste
Et que l’amour dicte sa loi
I've looked for her everywhere I've been around the world
From Venice to Java from Manila to Angkor
From Joan to Victoria from Venus to Mona Lisa
I haven't found it and I'm still looking for it
I don't know anything about her and yet I see her
I made up his name I heard his voice
I drew her body and I painted her face
His portrait and love become one image
She's got that beauty of romantic girls
And a Botticelli the innocent look
Her profile is that of those mythical virgins
That haunt museums and teenagers
His gait resembles childhood memories
That run through my head and dance dreaming
On his forehead his hair is battle gold
Let the sea wind and the sun bicker
I could tell you about his eyes, his hands
I could tell you about her until tomorrow
His love is my life but what's the use of dreaming?
I looked for her everywhere I couldn't find her
He could tell us about his eyes, his hands
He could tell us about her until tomorrow
His love is his life, but what's the use of dreaming?
He looked for her everywhere he couldn't find her
Is she far from here?
Is she near me?
I don't know yet but I know it exists
Is she a sinner or a king's daughter?
What do I care about his blood since I'm an artist
And let love dictate
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Other songs of the artist:

A War Is Coming 2015
It 2015
I Love Paris ft. Jeanne Added 2017
Look at Them 2015
Miss It All 2015
Be Sensational 2015
Lydia 2015
Back to Summer 2015
Both Sides 2019
Before the Sun 2019
Mutate 2019
Night Shame Pride 2015
Now or Never ft. Jeanne Added 2013
Song 1-2 2019
Years Have Passed 2019
Radiate 2019
Harmless 2019
Remake 2019
Enemy 2019
Falling Hearts 2019

Artist lyrics: Jeanne Added