Date of issue: 28.06.1999
Record label: POKEMON
Song language: English
Pokérap |
I want to be the best |
There ever was |
To beat all the rest |
Yeah, that’s my cause |
Electrode, Diglett, Nidoran♂, Mankey |
Venusaur, Rattata, Fearow, Pidgey |
Seaking, Jolteon, Dragonite, Gastly |
Ponyta, Vaporeon, Poliwrath, Butterfree |
(Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all — Pokémon!) |
I’ll search across the land |
Look far and wide |
Release from my hand |
The power that’s inside |
Venomoth, Poliwag, Nidorino, Golduck |
Ivysaur, Grimer, Victreebel, Moltres |
Nidoking, Farfetch’d, Abra, Jigglypuff |
Kingler, Rhyhorn, Clefable, Wigglytuff |
(Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all — |
Gotta catch 'em all — Pokémon!) |
Zubat, Primeape, Meowth, Onix |
Geodude, Rapidash, Magneton, Snorlax |
Gengar, Tangela, Goldeen, Spearow |
Weezing, Seel, Gyarados, Slowbro |
(Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all |
Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all) |
(Gotta catch 'em all — Pokémon!) |
Kabuto, Persian, Paras, Horsea |
Raticate, Magnemite, Kadabra, Weepinbell |
Ditto, Cloyster, Caterpie, Sandshrew |
Bulbasaur, Charmander, Golem, Pikachu |
At least one hundred and fifty |
Or more to see |
To be a Pokémon Master |
Is my destiny |
Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat, Machoke |
Kangaskhan, Hypno, Electabuzz, Flareon |
Blastoise, Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee |
Raichu, Nidoqueen, Bellsprout, Starmie |
Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna, Clefairy |
Dodrio, Seadra, Vileplume, Krabby |
Likitung, Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran♀ |
Machop, Shellder, Porygon, Hitmonchan |
(Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all |
Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all) |
Articuno, Jynx, Nidorina, Beedrill |
Haunter, Squirtle, Chansey, (Pokémon!) |
Parasect, Exeggcute, Muk, Dewgong |
Pidgeotto, Lapras, Vulpix, Rhydon |
At least one hundred and fifty |
Or more to see |
To be a Pokémon Master |
Is my destiny |
Charizard, Machamp, Pinsir, Koffing |
Dugtrio, Golbat, Staryu, Magikarp |
Ninetales, Ekans, Omastar |
Scyther, Tentacool, Dragonair, Magmar |
Sandslash, Hitmonlee, Psyduck, Arcanine |
Eevee, Exeggutor, Kabutops, Zapdos |
Dratini, Growlithe, Mr. Mime, Cubone |
Graveler, Voltorb, Gloom, (We're almost home!) |
(Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all |
Gotta catch 'em all — gotta catch 'em all) |
(Gotta catch 'em all — Pokémon!) |
Charmeleon, Wartortle |
Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Aerodactyl |
Omanyte, Slowpoke |
Pidgeot, Arbok |
That’s all, folks! |
(Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww) |
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon |
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all (oowww) |
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon |
Catch 'em, catch 'em, gotta catch 'em all |
Gotta catch 'em all… Pokémon!) |
Name | Year |
Pokémon Theme | 1999 |
Pikachu (I Choose You) | 2001 |
Pokemon Theme | 2007 |
Song Of Jigglypuff | 2001 |
All We Wanna Do | 2001 |
The Game | 2001 |
He Drives Me Crazy | 2001 |
2b A Master | 1999 |
Biggest Part Of My Life | 2001 |
Viridian City | 1999 |
Pokemon World | 2007 |
Do Ya Really Wanna Play | 2001 |
What Kind Of Pokémon Are You? | 1999 |
Born To Be A Winner | 2007 |
My Best Friends | 1999 |
Double Trouble (Team Rocket) | 1999 |
Never Too Far From Home | 2001 |
The Time Has Come (Pikachu's Goodbye) | 1999 |
I Want To Be A Hero | 2007 |
Everything Changes | 1999 |