Lyrics of Rottweiler - Mega M

Rottweiler - Mega M
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Rottweiler, artist - Mega M
Date of issue: 11.12.2018
Age restrictions: 18+
Song language: Slovak


Už ako malý som zvykol snívať
O lepšom živote a kľude
Zavretý v studenej izbe
Čakal na to čo bude
Chvíľami strácal nádej
Keď videl som jak mama plače
Snaží sa dať pozitívum deťom
V prázdnom blude
Časy neboli najlepšie
Chlapec nemal pojem — o živote
V ktorom žil, nemal z neho
Dobrý dojem
Venoval sa iba tomu, čo ho bavilo
A to, že druhý majú viac jak on
Bral iba ako ojeb
Prešlo zopár rokov, ocitá sa
V cudzom štáte
Ako 16-ročný odchádza
Veľa nechápe
No vie, že zmena bola potrebná
Po tom čo skoro skončil po tých
Prázdnych snahách v prázdnom
Chladnom kriminále
Vychovaný mamou silnejšou jak skala
Ďakujem za to že to v najhoršom nevzdala
Vždy sa snažil byť správnym vzorom pre brata
Preto šťastena ho neopúšťa, mala ho vždy rada
Začína mať hlboký vzťah k hudbe áno
Nachádza ten talent, ide mu to samo
Opisuje to čo zažil — čo sa stalo, ale
Stále cíti, že toho povedal zatial málo
No o pár rokov má už meno
Začal motivovať ľudí, ktorí
Prešli si tou zmenou
Objavuje sa tam človek, ktorý
Zviditeľný všetok jeho talent
O pár mesiacov z okna hľadí na nebo
Je späť tam, kde to pozná
No hneď prvá snaha posúnuť sa
Ďalej neni možná, tá ďalšia ešte horšia
8 dlhých mesiacov čakania na to, kým
Zistí, že sa nič nechystá
Len vďaka facebookovým videám to zvládal
A kým bol v Írsku všetci mali ozaj krála
Tisíc zdieľaní, videí a články
Po návratoch na koncert čakala ho
Iba prázdna sála
Odchádza sklamaný a zanecháva kúsok seba
Motivovaný robiť to čo vraveli, že sa nedá
280 barov, tvár im sklesla bledá
V 80-tich už každý kričí jeho meno
Odtlačil na bok všetky hejty (hejty)
ROTT- WEI — LER keď je na stagei !
(keď je na stagei)
Pre mnohých duch, jak Patrick Swayze
A na miesto krvi benzín
Hl -bo-ko v ňom dýcha bešti-ááá
Anglická flow — Its any ready?
Pochybovať nebol čas nebolo kedy
Skromne priznáva, že áno spravil chyby
Z ktorých vznikol nový človek
Proste ten starý už není (haaa)
2017 ten rok
Ďalšia šanca zabodovať
Ďalšia šanca spraviť krok
Ozýva sa človek, ktorý mu vždy
Poradil — bol vzor
Preto začal tvrdo makať
Znovu dáva pozooor
Chlapec vždy rád prijíma
No vždy rád aj dá
Padol — postavil sa asi tisíc krát
Aby sa vedel o seba postarať sa nebál života
A každý vie, že ten chlapec som JA
Roky za davy
Mega ide kvalitne
Idu jak malý
Keď stáli sme — haly padali
Nás páli
Nedostali sme sa tam, kde vy ne v dedine
Dali čo v meste nedali nesrali sme na to čo dali
Keď hrali na nervy
Jak veľmi sa báli, že
Mali sme to, čo oni nikdy né
Chlapec sa snažil, pozri
Kde je dnes
Ďakujem všetkým, čo sú pri mne
Všetkým známym
Rodine, najbližším aj tým
Ktorích sa stránim
Tie dlhé roky znamenajú
Že sme rástli
Aj keď nie sme v cieli
Chápeš spolu sme to zvládli
Každým dňom viac drel, drel, drel
Nádej, bolesť, viera, stoka
ROTT-WEI-LER — album roka !
Even as a child I used to dream
About a better life and peace
Locked in a cold room
He was waiting for what would happen
At times he lost hope
When I saw my mother crying
He tries to give positivity to children
In an empty delusion
Times were not the best
The boy had no concept — of life
In which he lived, he had none of it
Good impression
He only did what he enjoyed
And the fact that the other has more than him
He only took it as a joke
A few years have passed, he finds himself
In a foreign country
He leaves as a 16-year-old
He doesn't understand much
But he knows that change was necessary
After almost finishing after those
Vain efforts in the void
A cold criminal
Raised by a mother stronger than a rock
Thank you for not giving up at worst
He always tried to be a good role model for his brother
That's why happiness doesn't leave him, she always liked him
He begins to have a deep relationship with music yes
He finds the talent, he's fine with it
He describes what he experienced — what happened, but
He still feels that he hasn't said much yet
Well, in a few years it will have a name
He started to motivate people who
They went through that change
There appears a person who
All his talent is visible
In a few months, he is looking at the sky from the window
He's back where he knows it
Well, the very first effort to move
Further is not possible, the next one is even worse
8 long months of waiting until
He finds that nothing is coming
It was only thanks to Facebook videos that he managed it
And while he was in Ireland, everyone had a king
Thousands of shares, videos and articles
After returning to the concert, she was waiting for him
Only an empty hall
He leaves disappointed and leaves a piece of himself behind
Motivated to do what they said was impossible
280 bars, their faces fell pale
In the 80s, everyone is already shouting his name
Pushed aside all the haters (haters)
ROTT-WEI — LER when he's on stage!
(when on stage)
For many, a ghost like Patrick Swayze
And instead of blood, gasoline
Hl-bo-ko breathes beast-aaa in it
English flow — Its any ready?
There was no time to doubt
He modestly admits that he did make mistakes
From which a new man was created
It's just not the old one anymore (haha)
2017 that year
Another chance to score
Another chance to make a move
The person who always calls out to him
He advised — he was a role model
That's why he started working hard
He gives pozooor again
The boy is always happy to receive
But he is always happy to give
He fell — stood up about a thousand times
To be able to take care of himself, he was not afraid of life
And everyone knows that boy is ME
Years behind the crowds
Mega goes well
I go like a little one
As we stood — the halls were falling
It burns us
We didn't get where you didn't in the village
They gave what they didn't give in the city, we didn't care about what they gave
When they played on nerves
How much they were afraid that
We had what they never had
The boy tried, see
Where is he today
Thank you to everyone who is with me
To everyone I know
To the family, to those closest to you
Which I avoid
They mean long years
That we grew
Even if we are not at the destination
You see, we made it together
Every day more hard, hard, hard
Hope, pain, faith, sewer
ROTT-WEI-LER — album of the year!
Translation rating: 5/5 | Votes: 1

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#80 2016