Lyrics of Farewell - Jack Savoretti

Farewell - Jack Savoretti
Song information On this page you can find the lyrics of the song Farewell, artist - Jack Savoretti.
Date of issue: 15.10.2020
Song language: Italian


.. E sorridevi e sapevi sorridere coi tuoi vent’anni portati cos,
Come si porta un maglione sformato su un paio di jeans;
Come si sente la voglia di vivere che scoppia un giorno e non spieghi il Perch:
Un pensiero cullato o un amore che nato e non sai che cos'.
Giorni lunghi tra ieri e domani, giorni strani,
Giorni a chiedersi tutto cos’era, vedersi ogni sera;
Ogni sera passare su a prenderti con quel mio buffo montone orientale,
Ogni sera l, a passo di danza, salire le scale
E sentire i tuoi passi che arrivano, il ticchettare del tuo buonumore,
Quando aprivi la porta il sorriso ogni volta mi entrava nel cuore.
Poi gi al bar dove ci si ritrova, nostra alcova,
Era tanto potere parlarci, giocare a guardarci,
Tra gli amici che ridono e suonano attorno ai tavoli pieni di vino,
Religione del tirare tardi e aspettare mattino:
E una notte lasciasti portarti via, solo la nebbia e noi due in Sentinella,
La citt addormentata non era mai stata cos tanto bella.
Era facile vivere allora, ogni ora, chitarre e lampi di storie fugaci,
Di amori rapaci,
E ogni notte inventarsi una fantasia da bravi figli dell’epoca nuova,
Ogni notte sembravi chiamare la vita a una prova.
Ma stupiti e felici scoprimmo che era nato qualcosa pi in fondo,
Ci sembrava d’avere trovato la chiave segreta del mondo.
Non fu facile volersi bene, restare assieme
E pensare d’avere un domani, restare lontani;
Tutti e due a immaginarsi: «con chi sar?"In ogni cosa un pensiero
Un ricordo lucente e durissimo come il diamante
E a ogni passo lasciare portarci via da un’emozione non piena, non
Rivedersi era come rinascere ancora una volta.
Ma ogni storia la stessa illusione, sua conclusione,
E il peccato fu creder speciale una storia normale.
Ora il tempo ci usura e ci stritola in ogni giorno che passa correndo,
Sembra quasi che ironico scruti e ci guardi irridendo.
E davvero non siamo pi quegli eroi pronti assieme a affrontare ogni
Siamo come due foglie aggrappate su un ramo in attesa.
«The Triangle tingles»… farewell, non pensarci e perdonami
Se ti ho portato via un poco d’estate con qualcosa di fragile come le Storie passate.
Forse un tempo poteva commuoverti ma ora inutile credo, perch
Ogni volta che piangi e che ridi non piangi e non ridi con me
.. And you smiled and you knew how to smile with your twenty years worn like this,
How to wear a baggy sweater over a pair of jeans;
How do you feel the will to live that bursts one day and you do not explain the Why:
A cradled thought or a love that was born and you don't know what it is.
Long days between yesterday and tomorrow, strange days,
Days of wondering what it was all about, seeing each other every evening;
Every evening go up to get you with that funny oriental ram of mine,
Every evening there, at a dance pace, go up the stairs
And hear your footsteps coming, the ticking of your good humor,
When you opened the door, the smile entered my heart every time.
Then down to the bar where we meet, our alcove,
It was so much to be able to talk to each other, to play watching us,
Among the friends who laugh and play around the tables full of wine,
Religion of staying late and waiting for morning:
And one night you let yourself be carried away, just the fog and the two of us in Sentinel,
Never had the sleeping city looked so beautiful.
It was easy to live then, every hour, guitars and flashes of fleeting stories,
Of rapacious loves,
And every night come up with a fantasy like good children of the new era,
Every night you seemed to be calling life to a test.
But surprised and happy we discovered that something deeper had been born,
We seemed to have found the secret key to the world.
It was not easy to love each other, to stay together
And think of having a tomorrow, stay away;
Both of them imagining: "Who will I be with?" A thought in everything
A bright and hard memory like a diamond
And at every step, let us be carried away by an emotion that is not full, not
Seeing each other again was like being born again.
But every story the same illusion, its conclusion,
And the sin was to believe that a normal story was special.
Now time wears us out and crushes us with every running day,
It almost seems ironic that he scrutinizes and looks at us mockingly.
And we really are no longer those heroes ready together to face every
We are like two leaves clinging to a waiting branch.
«The Triangle tingles» ... farewell, don't think about it and forgive me
If I took you away a little summer with something fragile like past stories.
Maybe once it could have moved you but now it's useless I think, because
Whenever you cry and laugh you don't cry and laugh with me
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Other songs of the artist:

What More Can I Do? 2019
Love Is on the Line 2019
Whiskey Tango 2017
Better Off Without Me 2019
Deep Waters 2017
Russian Roulette 2021
Back Where I Belong 2015
The Way You Said Goodbye 2021
I Remember Us 2021
Jack in a Box 2014
Breaking the Rules 2012
Back to Me 2015
Candlelight 2019
Too Much History 2021
Sweet Hurt 2014
Hate & Love 2012
When We Were Lovers 2017
When You’re Lonely ft. John Oates 2021
Sleep No More 2017
Dancing In The Living Room 2021

Artist lyrics: Jack Savoretti